Chapter 11
Knowing Versus Believing
There are two types of people in the world those who believe and those who think they know.
To know and be wrong would be worse than to believe and be right.
The “Knowers” want to feel that they can continue to know what they know. They want to prove to themselves that their knowledge is final and serves to bolster and perpetuate their self-ordained cycle so that they continually feel that they know what they know even more than they originally did. This cycle has to be continually fed because it is artificial. A feeling of knowing is nothing more than a feeling but when you hear a “Knower” speak it can seem absolute.
The “Believers” form their convictions based on analysis and likelihood but with the ability to have their beliefs evolve according to changing circumstance and further knowledge. Rather than operate in a cycle like the “Knowers,” the “Believers” follow a linear, though not necessarily a straight, path of growth. Because their path is linear rather than cyclical, their growth does not serve to feed what they already believe but rather fosters new growth that either makes their beliefs stronger or modifies them.
The “Knowers” cannot help the “Believers” but the “Believers” can help the “Knowers.” The “Knowers” don’t go anywhere. They knew what they knew from the time they became “Knowers.” They just get more convicted. They can offer nothing. The “Believers” are actually creating something and from the fruits of their beliefs and analysis can be derived positive qualities that both groups can benefit from. These positive ideas can be injected back into the mindset of the “Knowers” and can actually aid in providing a better world for all.
As “Believers,” in order to promote the best possible environment we can live in while we reside in the state of unknowing, we strive to talk to the “Knowers” and show how their path will lead us to eventual destruction. Two diametrically opposed forces that continue to grow in strength will produce turmoil during their inevitable collision that will negatively affect all.
As “Believers” our task is difficult but important. We strive to help, alter and free consciousness that are locked within the pool of the “Knowers.” A locked conscious is very difficult to free. One should not strive to free it but to provide tools that may help that conscious onto the road that will lead to the ability to free itself.
“Believers” know that the only logical way a “Knower” could actually know is if they had been visited by an alien, an enlightened spirit or perhaps God himself. The “Knowers” are captivated by their mind's thoughts that enslave them without their knowledge. In order to maintain a sense of equilibrium they have to continually convince themselves that their thoughts are divine and if others are not also uniformly having them that there must be something wrong or missing in their lives. Everything the “Knowers” do is to reinforce on a constant basis all matter of means necessary to remain convinced of their correctness. This process extends beyond themselves and involves others who are necessary to serve them additionally in their efforts. They derive ever increasingly all encompassing strategies to produce greater and greater feelings of strength and confidence both in themselves and in gathering of like-minded “Knowers.” Their zealous open portrayl of all that they think they know can grow faster within the circles of like-minded “Knowers.” Other byproducts to this cyclical process affect nearby onlookers with compelling forces that tend to draw those with a less developed conscious in like a vortex.
“Believers” do not possess the capability of either knowing on their own or looking within the minds of the “Knowers.” Because “Believers” cannot see into the innerworkings of the “Knowers” they must rely on a more finely honed conscious to be able to trust and strengthen their ideas without regard to their bolstering from anyone. Though this is a freeing and powerful road to travel it is also one of the most stressful roads. The natural entrapy of mankind and forced entrapment inside one’s own conscious is forcibly trying to take hold of even the most enlightened conscious and dull them down. To avoid the effect of the conscious breakdown requires constant rebuilding, growth and tending at all times. Even the most alert, aware and devoted consciousness can succumb to the entrapments of those who have striven to elevate their sensibilities in an outward manner. Why are these powerful and showy extraneous factors exhibited by the “Knowers” so compelling? Because they were derived in order to offer comfort, reassurance and continued cyclical momentum in order to derive some sense of ongoing euphoria that serves as a sign to show that they’re on track. When this euphoria comes whether a genuine or artificial creation, it manifests itself in to seemingly powerful physical and mental characteristics that can easily be understood by all. To the unenlightened conscious these powerful manifestations can become enticing. A sense of desire for relief can become overwhelming. Knowing can seem to provide that relief. So these manifestations must either be dismissed or they can slowly break down barriers and attract the consciousness as it grows weaker. The process of guarding oneself against this is work. Stress is involved. Stress comes first from the illusion one can succumb and that there may be validity to what the knowers are saying. After all, it comes with such enthusiasm and so many comforts and in so many variables. One that strives to develop their conscious must protect it from the dangers of absorption and damage that can come from the giving in to knowing. Ideas abhor vacuums but the “Knowers” reside in the most powerful of vacuums. So ideas don’t grow here. The only thing that grows is whatever is required for self-substantiation.
Let's examine why the factors of the “Knowers” exist and what causes the elevation and increased dangers to all outside of their group. Picture a black hole. Those working on developing their conscious have not yet been sucked in. The artifacts which are born of the effects of the “Knowers” and their perpetual need to convince themselves are of a complex nature. To examine these on an artifact by artifact basis is not effective. The true nature of the power of all matter generated by the “Knowers” can most effectivly be studied as a whole. The entirety of the dangers initiated with regards to this process not only promotes itself but also at the same time demotes others. This process becomes increasingly dangerous when groups of “Knowers” come to think that the reason another has not come to be one of them is because they have not been blessed with the divine insight and thus are lesser. This is where the negative byproducts created by the “Knowers” begin to produce the first signs of turmoil. Analysis of this stage is crucial as it can reveal a model to suggest the cause of almost all man's hostility toward one another.
Unless we realize these things we are trapped. Always remember to understand that there is comfort in rushing toward knowing. We can assure you that there is not much comfort in not knowing but some in believing. A “Believer” can know that they are not enslaved to a cyclical process designed to artificially boster its self-propetuation. A?“Believer” can have relief in their freedom from delusion. When this happens the only possible alternative for your life is to spend your time and energy contemplating how one can help others who have not contemplated this. The result from this exertion of energy may not lead to truth but can lead to peace. This is only the case if one is willing to constantly grow, analyze and monitor the state of their conscious.