Chapter 12
Developing Understanding of the Conscious of Others
The Difference Between Effectual and Ineffectual
One cannot see into the conscious of another. However, understanding the complexities of your conscious and the conscious of others is vital in helping you communicate and be an effective human being. This should be considered almost as high on your list as the importance of developing your own conscious. Many of the other things we discuss in this book are developmental in nature. This is one of the few things that you just have to get instantaneously. Working on one’s conscious without the consideration of others’ conscious can be fruitless and dangerous. To labor under the delusion that because you’re capable of thinking, understanding and growing in a certain way that you can conclude others are capable of the same may lead you to becoming ineffective at relating to others in the way that you desire.
As an example, let us consider two ways to look at other individuals. One way would be to assume the other individuals share in common the well-developed abilities and insights that you have. You would perceive the actions that they make in representing their conscious regarding the various similarities and differences as you would compare them to your own choices. In order to form conclusions about the contents of their choices the accuracy of your perspective is of the utmost importance. It is our view that this first example is in error in that to assume the conscious of another has the capabilities of your own is simply foolish but an easy mistake to make.
In the second scenario, one would not automatically presume to find the qualities contained in your conscious in the conscious of the other individual. When you then draw a conclusion based on your observance of other individuals, no analysis of their conscious would be able to be made. One would still be looking at choices made by the other individual and attempting to draw some conclusions. However, the factors that combine together to create those choices would then be understood to be completely random in their origins and unable to be analyzed effectively.
When one lives by the first example it is overwhelmingly easy to judge and conclude that decisions being made by the individual in question when they don’t mirror your own choices are lesser or somehow wrong. When one lives by the second example no judgement can be made and no conclusion can be drawn because there has been no assumption regarding the development and the workings of the conscious that made it.
Why is it so easy to assume that everyone else has a fully developed conscious? We learn to become comfortable with the newly developed state of our conscious and we value it because we realize the work that we have done to develop it. Amazingly, though our conscious serves us, our memory of the development of the conscious can be fleeting. We can take the effort that we made to develop our conscious for granted and forget about the work we did to get to where we are. It is easy to forget that while you did all that work others may not have been doing the same. Your error occurs when you forget that you hold something special that is a developed conscious and others may not hold the same. What this form of looking at things can do is cause one to be in a continual state of inability to understand why others would make such foolish choices. One may also question why they seem to be so ineffectual in communicating with others.
It is important for us to comprehend why all the people in the world with or without developed consciousness tend to judge others. When you take away the ability to judge by developing the understanding that each person does not have the full faculties required by their individual conscious to make responsible choices one comes to a new level of clarity that previously did not exist at all. This is like a light switch. This is something that you do not develop. This is something that you either have correct and a comprehension of or you do not. And it is one of the most critical factors that contributes to your functionality or disfuncitionality as you utilize the powers of your developed conscious. This can lead to a greater compassion for your fellow man. Likewise, the opposite can lead to hatred, prejudice, judgement, fear and strife.