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Chapter 17
Stumbling Blocks

As Described In The Bible

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

And then he was authorized to run the church!  

What if this one simple event and perspective created by it for and through man was responsible for almost all of the problems known to man?

Explore this next contemplative exercise with us in order to give your mentality a workout and possibly heighten your consciousness in the process. We have not designed this book to offer religious advice or push particular personal interpretations however we wish to clarify our view- We hold up that the value and truth in what we encourage you through a developing mentality, spiritual growth and a quest for higher conscious awareness will bring to you ultimately truth and enlightenment. It is our personal belief that whether a person experiencing true conscious enlightenment regardless of addressing every step as a secular one or a religious one the result will be the same. This end effect will be found in unison by all who seek and it will be as it is regardless of any particular approach and also totally disassociated with and separated from any and all initial perspectives one may have at the outset.

Once one becomes fully aware and consciously heightened, this is to say that one has no mental blocks or limitations common to man but see as clearly from a perspective unbiased and corrupted by a total lack of objectivity or prior learning, it then becomes only a question of labels, definitions and perspectives from that point regarding words one or another may utilize to describe the truths that have been revealed. So when we mention non-secular topics and site example that are less then generic and have some religious founding please bear this in mind as we go. These are merely the labels we have chosen to utilize for what we have found and wish to share. Yours may be different. We have attributed it all to a creator and speak in those terms. It is not necessary for you to do so however regardless of your labeling and attributions the result of your gain and new mentality placement is the same. It is merely our belief that this would be the way it would be if an all powerful entity were controlling everything and also the way it could be if it was not that way. You see even after the highest level of mentality development, conscious growth and spiritual walk you can attain nothing that will be able to be known or claimed for sure.

King Solomon who was said to have prayed for wisdom and been granted his request ultimately concluded this same thing. In the end the affairs of man amount to nothing. Nothing can be known or even matters. This can lead to peace both with in and without. For when nothing can be known no one is subservient to anyone else and no leadership is required. All that matters is the mind and body then the eternal and the soul. The roles that spring forth from that limited perspective tat we call darkness or evil still operate in this world because people think they can know and do not travel the road to find in unison that they can not. Man becomes empowered to serve himself through all matter of means he choses but non of faith and goodness therefore all the paths he can take are of evil. Every single one is not of any design desired for man to take and the absence of the will of God for man is simply called evil.

This was the problem with the church. An instrument of faith became an instrument of man for use in the world as he saw fit. In a sense if Jesus had not wanted to create a stumbling block he would have not handed over the church to anyone but simply said what is most clearly the truth that if it was of God it would happen on its own and be taken care of in the hearts of men alone in their relationship with God. It was in the "Doing" that man was given the power to stumble. So Peter was given the task of setting up the church on earth for Jesus according to the bible. If it was our modern day world and a political or religious leader were to be nominated for such a highly prestigious position amidst such a volatile and crucial event that would later be understood to have affected all men for all time to come, there might be a flurry of controversy and outright global opposition that would threaten to undermine him and take his position away to be given to a more qualified individual. None of this happened when Jesus appointed Peter to head his church. Nobody of significance either knew about it, cared or wanted it anyway because the significance wasn’t realized. We now see how appropriate it was that Jesus who was giving the role of the church away, did so while he was being killed by the wrath of man for no seen or commonly understood legitimate reason other than fear, confusion and general societal pressure and ritual.

While we might accept that Peter was the right choice for leading the church in Jesus’ absence and that he was assigned the position for a crucial reason, it is not a hot topic of debate anywhere on the globe today that we are aware of nor was it then. Any other man would have done likely the same. Jesus himself said that no man was good. The failure of Peter operating in the shroud of the limitations of the physical man was to come to full fruition during his attempt to structure and partition a vessel in a physical world that could contain a limitless infinite presence such as the infiniteness of God would require. This attempt would become flawed in the very limited nature of the man/ creator, Peter, that attempted to harness what could not be contained. The resulting by-product of the structure of the initial church became one of choice more so than of personal relationship. Choice is two dimensional and can be seen and judged. A personal relationship with Jesus is through the living word is infinite, unseen and cannot be touched. Peter’s association with the limitation of man catered to that limitation in the sense that the believers choice needed to be defined, not only to him but to all. In this lies the keys necessary for judgement and the manipulation of the church for the uses of man. The world fails to see much significance or worthy discussion to the matter, but it is in this crucial foundational block upon which all design of human life would originate from that we stress the failure inherent to human nature that brings a need to respond to a quintessential universal truth.  It is our suggestion, almost two millennia later that the reason may not be what everyone has commonly suspected it was.  It may not have been because he was the most qualified to do the job.  No, it may have actually been because he was not.  Let's be fair. No one would have been. The point is that the stumbling block was not made through the person himself but in the fact that it was a person at all. Yes Peter may have been divinely placed to allow man to fail by the creation of the whole structure and way of the formalized church as one giant potential for a stumbling block.

Here in this simple idea we suggest that the initial stumbling block that the Bible reveals that God placed for the chosen people in the Old Testament sets a model that can be observed and recognized by readers. Once this model is observed it can be later identified again if a similar one is placed in front of readers/followers once more.  It is our assertion that evidence suggests that the handing over of the responsibilities of the church of Christ to man was the start of the formation of another divine opportunity for a similar stumbling block that God would allow to be formed through man’s devising.  We are not standing on this and do not wish to ruffle feathers or be persecuted, so we will suggest this only and allow the Living Word to do its work in the heart of the followers of Jesus.  If there is validity it will be shown.  

So for the sake of comparison, we must look to the old Testament to examine what the first stumbling block was like.  First consider the following: Whether you are a believer in God and/or the teachings of Jesus or not, no matter what your religious preference, this is important to look at and consider because even if it is not real, never happened or we are vastly incorrect in what we are calling attention to, it is still real and powerful in the sense that the people who actually do believe it have transformed the world.  To this end, this book will touch on religion for the soul purpose of showing the power and design on humanity it has had and is having.  It is not our intent to influence but enliven, enlighten and empower.  We will have faith in the truth to guide and set free all those that truly search.  A developing conscious must be ardently aware of this and all the ramifications of it, regardless of personal beliefs and perspectives.  In the end it is all still real, pertinent, and yes, that important to all no matter where you stand with your personal beliefs and perspectives. Even if nothing in the bible ever took place and there is not a God at all, because people operate as if there is it would still be important to understand what we will discuss here because it has does and will shape the world. We will never be able to prove or disprove the belief or what is believed in but we can show and prove the result and that is worth almost as much to every life whilst on this planet living out their time. We believe peace can come from the development of this view.

Let’s look at the first stumbling block as told of in the Old Testament. It is really quite simple and easy to describe. It is more clearly able to be shared with another succinctly than most of the ideas discussed in this book. It is not hidden but actually admitted to by God in the word of the Old Testament. It is right there in the Bible itself, and not hidden or disguised by man in any way, but divinely placed and shown by God and revealed to man according to the Bible. The effect of the stumbling block is the select stumbling that occurs through the allowance of existence by God and the lack of sight and perception of man which continues its existence and effect. We can easily become aware through reading the Old Testament of how man came into favor with God through Abraham. A covenant was then created between him and God and all of his descendants were given the chance to be the chosen people.  They were informed that they would be blessed and watched after all the days of their lives by God so long as they honored the covenant, stayed righteous and kept their face upon God’s law in regards to man’s relationship with Him. As a reverse effect, they would as a whole race become cursed if they failed to honor the things that God required of them to keep His favor.  These requirements by God include atonement for sins and observance of the many laws that God set forth for their structured government life together on Earth. These very laws, when misused through the nature of fallen man, became a stumbling block. The laws themselves were not a stumbling block but only the misuse of them by man. As man looked away from the relationship that he could have had with God, and instead looked toward the empowerment he could gain by utilizing these tools given to him by God, he failed in his role in the relationship God had intended between them. It also affected the relationship between man and his fellow man. Man’s lack of observance of the outlined requirements which were designed by God for his relationship with God became distorted by man for the needs of his own usage. Man instead chose to build walls and parameters to govern man with the tools that were given him to structure his state of being that would aid in making right the relationship between him and God on a continual basis. In so doing, they failed to honor the covenant as they should have. Having tripped on the stumbling block, man came into a newly perceived ability to control other men. This new ability was nurtured by misusing the means given him for other purposes. As man began to utilize the laws given in the Bible with self-inflicted blindness, all men became less focused and misguided. The  original meanings, design and restrictions were lost to man as man redesigned the interpretation and translation to no longer serve the interests of man’s relation with God as it was designed. Man started to use them for his own glory and benefit over others and not for the purposes that God had designed for the uses of the covenant between man and God.  

Man’s fallen nature, to desire, love and therefore to choose to serve the things of this world that can be seen and enjoyed, more so than the eternal and things of faith, took over and the Jewish people were cursed. They continued down the paths of unrighteousness and tripped up on further manifestations that continued to develop and plaque them through their misuse of the laws. Increasingly, they became a litigious and obsessive compulsive culture and failed to make proper use of their God given ability and tools to properly relate to him and live in the ways best designed for man by God. As they became caught up in the law and tradition, it consumed them fully. They became so far from what God intended that when Jesus, the son of God, came and resided among them they not only did not recognize him but feared for their own lifestyles and places of power that they had set up for themselves. In the end, they rejected him and even put him to death. In reaction it is written that God allowed a new covenant with the rest of mankind. This new covenant would instead give man a new opportunity to have the relationship with God in a more, direct, personal, free flowing, less rigid way. This was made allowable and brought to all men through the sacrifice and teachings that Jesus offered during his life and also through the bestowing of the Holy Spirit.  

So the church was a fresh beginning. While Jesus was in charge all seemed to be perfect. Regardless of Peter's failures and lacks, which he was constantly reminded of throughout the gospels as Jesus rebuked him all through Jesus’ time with him, still he was given the power to set up the church on Earth. Others that followed would have to be aware of this type of inherent lack, not only with Peter but with man in general, and its likelihood to foster a stumbling block. Again, man’s task would be to avoid it or suffer the same type of pitfalls that were so prevalent in the fall of the Jewish people. We will show how their limitations allowed for their stumbling as they became caught up in the trappings and misinterpretations of the word of God, ultimately leading to self-serving benefits on Earth guided by those who would interpret and impose the laws.  Whenever man can set parameters and walls around something, man can learn to utilize the entirety of the essence of the system to gain control over the ideas pertaining to it. This physical manifestation, when used to govern man rather than God’s relationship with man, come completely into a realm of tangible practicality. When the realm of the eternal ceases to be considered in this governing relationship, the parameters and borders now serve only to confine, confuse and harm.

Peter as a man not as Peter only, was assigned as the source and authorized representative of those limitations and stumbling blocks. The new tools derived from the new foundation for man’s ability to show direction to other men in the absence of a seen, known and present God and the absence of Jesus’ physical presence was up for grabs. Man’s newly perceived ability to have access to control of physical parameters that were less than the eternal but for the first time made real and tangible were formulated anew. The teachings and flesh of Jesus in our presence gave us tools meant for a divine purpose but they could be also used counter to that purpose. Just like anything that has ever been invented or perceived by man, be it idea, or something physical discovered which can be made usable for the purposes of controlling the factors involved in the confines of our reality. As all aspects within the realm of man, every item in the physical realm of the universe, both tangible and intangible, can be used for good or bad purposes. And so, this new set of tools became subject to the same trappings as seen in the writing of the Old Testament.

Though Peter’s spirit was accepted as good in spite of its flaws and forgiven by Jesus, what he was left with in the world was still subject to flaw in the beginnings of the established church. Furthermore, the misguidance and misuse of the intended design of the church, coming from the limited perspectives of man brought forth all manner of possibilities for abuse. The Holy Spirit that was sent to all believers may or may not reside within a man and the ability to discern this was ambiguous even to followers. The ambiguous quality is something that could be further capitalized on by those that came and saw it as a tool of deception that aided in the creation of detrimental parameters and borders being established to describe and define the essence of the church. Once these parameters were established, they could be manipulated and serve as a harness to once again snare man as a stumbling block. This greatest aid of the Holy Spirit, through man’s limited perception, then could also be used by those who do not have it, became a mechanism that could be deceptively utilized for the opposite of its intended purpose. Once this type of tool that is inherently difficult to observe and track was allowed to exist in the realm of man the evolution of the divinely placed stumbling block which God allowed was completed.

Because the Holy Spirit was sent to believers only it is up to the believer or follower to know that he has it and uses it properly.  If one realizes one’s ability to deceive and fool others into thinking he is a follower he gains the temptation to utilize this tool to meet his own motives. When men do this jointly, the results are multiplied. When countries do this jointly, the results are so multiplied. As the world learns to do this in tandem together and lack the ability to realize they are doing so the result is that Jesus and his teachings and their true meaning is no longer actually being followed. The result is the leadership defaults without the follower’s knowledge to that of the anti-christ. The place this takes all of mankind also causes those who are not led by the Holy Spirit or the living word to also fall victim to the teachings of those that have already stumbled and resigned and submitted to the authority of the false leader. At this point their fates will forever be altered along with the fates of those who thought they were following, and all the while none of them are on the correct path of righteousness as a follower of Christ.  This is how it happens and this is how it is unperceived by all parties to whom which it happens within and without of the church.  

This stumbling block that we have brought attention to here, which as we already pointed out, that we believe can be clearly seen in the writings of the Bible by comparing the Old and New Testament based on the teachings of Jesus, represents the single most significant cause of the problems man must live with to this modern day. This stumbling block, though in plain words, can only be seen by true followers and others not subject to it because of their being sheltered outside the path of organized religion that has succumbed to at least a portion of the fall. Those that find themselves outside the teachings of the church and those who find a place to avoid the yeast that has caused a vast bread-like rising of the false teachings that have penetrated to all levels of society can still find truth easily when the right factors are in place. For those that are non-believers and for undeceived believers alike, truth can be shown more readily. In an instant, that truth from the light of the living word can elevate even a non-believer and leave those who thought they were believers standing outside the walls saying, “Why do you not recognize me, Lord?  Did I not prophesy in your name?  Did I not lead the world and the church in your name?  Why do you not recognize me?” This is the final culmination for the effects of the stumbling block. The deceived, assumed believer, gets all the way to the end and is not recognized and even then does not understand why.

Among the most powerful aspects of the stumbling block are its abilities to be hidden to those who seek the lure of the rigidity of parameters and restrictions. The comforts of certainty, the assurance of being chosen, the perceived safety of one’s soul as it leaves the fragility of the human vessel and many other artificial attributes that man can allow himself in the darkness of his unknowing, become the foundation stones of all that ensnares him as he stumbles. Since we have called attention to this, it becomes more possible to see how men can be taken in with the idea that they are somehow blessed by God above others. They come to believe that they have uniquely been shown the true way of God. Furthermore, they come to believe that they are saved and somehow through the process of their spiritual walk are given the power and ability by God to become more special and protected or chosen. They go so far as to believe that they then become instruments worthy of displaying the shining light to the nations of the world while others are so in need of this one true source of enlightenment that they have the power alone to bestow on those they deem fit and worthy only. This offering can only be given to those who would subscribe to the same rules and legislation as those that have already been indoctrinated into the corrupt system itself. This process goes on and on through time and continually claims new victims as it forever alters the path of the world. When these lures are established as divine artifacts of the stumbling block and man defines ways to indoctrinate and maintain control of the parameters which govern these restrictions and definitions the all pervasive power of the system reaches higher and higher potentials. This occurs simultaneously with the reduction of the ability of most to suspect the existence of the stumbling block and the snare that awaits them if they choose to follow. For those that do not choose to follow, their brief glimpse into what they have been told is holy and good showed them corruption and ills that they did not understand. When they left and turned their eyes from the church after choosing not to follow and become part of it, they quickly defined and labeled the system as faulty and corrupt. It cannot be overstated strongly enough how detrimental this is to would-be seekers and true followers. They have been genuinely disenchanted, forever turned off as they attribute all the ills they saw directly to God himself rather than the followers.

Darkness shields its eyes from light. Man that resides in the darkness desires the parameters and borders afforded by the darkness through the ability gained by man to control others in secret and manipulate the things of the earth using these tools. These tools make it possible to control the masses of people that are subject to those parameters and limited ideas and devise all matter of additional means to continually develop new ways to shape the path of those living on Earth. These reasons for the path of mankind have taken place in the past and are taking place in the present. As for the future, it can become foreseeable that a course based on deceptive practices can lead to harm and destruction. All this takes place in what the Bible calls darkness. Darkness exists only when there is an absence of light. The absence of light that we’re discussing here pertains to mentality and it ability to develop an enlightened conscious. Our assertion is that one’s best chance of battling the difficulties facing man that we have been discussing here regardless of whether you are a believer in these things or not can empower you to possess the highest possible reaction to these circumstances that indeed are real. The Biblical equivalent to what we are saying is that the enlightened conscious is lit, not by a highly developed mentality, but by the light of the truth of God in and of itself. In the reading of this book, as we have said, we do not require one to believe one way or another. The light that you will obtain throughout the development of conscious we trust will be within the power of the source of the light to be shown to you. The skills that one can develop that we’re discussing here, which can be applied to the conscious, can be meaningful and useful regardless of belief or origin.

In the establishment of the church through history and even to modern day, it can be observed that man has set up contrivances that cater to the nature of man and create limitations by adoption of finite definitions which allow judgements. These finite definitions have been substituted for the infiniteness of the Living Word. These contrivances are formulated by the need to make more tangible and understandable that which is intangible and difficult to understand. This need is seen by those in control as necessary to express large ideas to all of mankind about what God wants and what Jesus meant in the most desirable way possible for the largest masses. This is precisely one of the most important reasons that Jesus spoke in parables. Parables are anything but representative of finite ideas. These carefully crafted finite ideas founded in the realm of man’s deception have been shown to the believer through the millennia to lead to seemingly infinite misinterpretation and and confusion by the masses in regards to God’s true purpose for man. The true purpose is still plainly written and easy to perceive for all mankind in the word of the Bible. These finite and misinterpreted ideas will feed on themselves and become a living thing that fosters darkness with almost as much destructive and deceptive force as the Living Word itself and its power to heal and reveal the light.  

A unique and personal relationship with Jesus and with God abolishes all rigidity and trappings of the notions of man that one would otherwise become subject to. This personal relationship with God through Jesus and the Living Word takes each individual that walks this path to a place that is free from judgement of others and also takes away the ability to judge others. The idea of finite parameters is shattered and the only way a man could ever fathom the outer definitions and dimensions of the Living Word with his finite mind is to have the faith to throw out the measuring stick that man with his fallen nature is so eager to use and just go where the true spirit of the light of the Living Word leads.

Because of the notions that those who presume themselves to be believers have formulated for themselves through the false teachings of others they are actually not operating according to the Word but are subject to the beliefs and teachings of these distorted circumstances that we have just described, they become impossible to reach and be shown that which we’ve just discussed. This is because they are so caught up in the deception of darkness that had been fabricated for them that it transforms them jointly and unilaterally into the servants of antichrists instead of the one Christ.  This is how it can be seen that one day there will be persecution of Christians again. This is how one group of people can war against another and all in the name of religion. This simple idea that we are showing would explain every problem in the world today. If you asked a presumed Christian what the problem in the world today is, they would most likely say “sin.”  The word “sin” is a convenient and all-pervasive word that allows them out of actually describing and understanding sin and utilizing it to show that every operation man has done in the church has been tainted with it. This one thing has served to alter the history of mankind from what it was designed to be and taught it could be by Jesus himself. This huge deception that we have now defined in a way that we can speak a common language about still maintains its infinite qualities. It is our hope that we have fashioned a tool that will serve to fathom the infinite qualities but not to limit them. This observance has served to shape the world we have here today and has caused the stumbling block that all those who do not see are subject to stumble upon.  

Because those that fall believe they have the finite and true interpretation of the Living Word in their hearts rather than byproducts of the distortion that man created out of and away from the Living Word, they remain oblivious to their shortcoming. Consequently, they do not feel the joy and power through flexibility that comes from the personal relationship with Jesus through the Living Word. A byproduct that often occurs here to keep people’s focus on the things taught within the church is the feeling that the volume needs to be turned up. This need originates because the Living Word is not seen to be doing what it is supposed to be doing in the church and is stifled from doing so because of the effects of the stumbling block. Would be followers grow concerned when they do not see the results that the word itself say that they should. This concern brings forth a reaction to create self actions that they blind themselves to which are designed to bring forth signs of action they will then attribute to the word. When the volume is turned up, new multitudes of artifacts that originate to artificially take the place of what is real and the whole system becomes subservient to this new stimulant which has replaced the original purpose of the Living Word. Symptoms of the stumbling block are evident in today’s churches as many, if not most followers find contentment and desire of the finite ideas, laws and rules that make them feel secure, special and relieved and which is the catalyst for them seeking a church, pastor, or religious group to lead them to begin with. This and other examples can be seen on the long list of things that make up the existence of those who operate within the confines of this flawed system. Those outside the system now are labeled by those within as wrongdoers and not of God. This creates a total lack of man’s ability to have peace with those that don’t believe as they do.

When those who are outside the formalized church look inward toward the system for the things of God they are instead filled with this vial concoction and grafted onto the rest of the group with all the wretched things that man has devised and offered it as the truth. Just as bad or perhaps even worse, many seekers that would desire to see find this experience and as a reaction rebel against the church and end up labeling their whole experience with presumed believers as what God intended for man. They actually have half a chance of one day seeing the deception more readily than those within the deception because they already suspect that something is wrong with it. Because of their unbelief and the fact that they were not caught up in the system that engaged the minds of those in the church they at least, being on the outside, had enough sense and logic to resist because they could tell something was inherently wrong with what was being taught.

Even atheists and non believers of all kinds, ironically in their disbelief, could be more easily reached than those caught up in the deception of man.  For this to occur all they would need to do would be to see this false effect and how what they previously attributed to what they thought they knew about the church was really only what they know about the false church. From the instant this becomes realized by them a light can click on for them more instantly than one consumed from with in the church itself because of their isolation they can then become enlightened by the actual light much more readily. This is why it is written that those less likely as seen by believers to find God will be saved more readily and those that claim salvation will be those who will be denied and unrecognized. The Living Word, if it were properly being shared and allowed to do its own work without the misguidance of man’s intervention, could speak to all of this and point the way to the light. The world has been so transformed by organized religion even to the point where non-followers are being affected due to its all pervasive reach in the world we all live in. It is as if a cloud has formed and covered the truth so that it prohibits the Living Word from penetrating and being available to those who seek. It is ironic that more so than any other presumed church followers have brought forth this effect.

Followers of Christ were supposed to have become empowered and taken their new place given them according to the teachings of Jesus through a personal relationship with and through him with God as they were allowed to enter the innermost, and once forbidden, portion of the tabernacle. Upon the moment of crucifixion, the word says that the temple curtain was torn. This temple curtain separated the rest of the tabernacle from the portion that was most sacred. In the old covenant, the fewest of the few could enter to there and only under the most extreme and prepared circumstances. With the work of Jesus this once restricted area where man was most placed in direct contact with the presence of God on Earth is made available to all. With the new covenant finalized and established, they did not fully realize the power offered them from the work of Jesus as it applied to the personal relationship they could have with him. Because of the stumbling block, they once again found limits that did not need to be there but would serve to deceive and alienate man’s intended purpose to relate to the Creator through this new means found in the new covenant.

If Jesus was walking the Earth today, would he not have to walk into the church that was established for him just as he walked into the church that was originally established for God by the Jews and re-educate men of their exact same failings all over again? It is our assertion that he would. There is no excuse for us falling into the trap set forth by the stumbling block this time because God is with each and everyone of us through the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus. We also have the clear example of the original stumbling block in the writings of the Bible that men previously had been shown to fall over. We now have all the resources necessary to identify and study the results of man’s original fallen nature and how divine stumbling blocks continue to impede the progress of mankind. The tendency to call the bible the word of God and thus nothing in it can be seen as anything less then the truth precludes one from realizing that God can also use man's failings and limitations for his own purposes. We possess the reasons and ability to study how man’s fallen nature has caused it to happen. Because people do not truly rise up and follow the calling of Jesus through the Living Word, and find the power and authority given to each and every follower, but instead continue to fall victim to the exact same trappings shown previously to ensnare man. The final result is the person’s feeling the need to fall in line under the authority of those that have made them feel that they must submit to and who then relinquish control of their spiritual walk to another. Again, another clue that this is of a stumbling block nature is that Jesus warned that one of the biggest things we can do is not to place our faith in man. If that does not give away the obvious nature of what we are discussing here more readily than anything else, we are at a loss at how to make it more succinct than that.

The substance of our discussion here is among the most critical forces that have an are continuing to shape the world. They have originated from and are operating within the organized Christian church. This is not to say that all practitioners within the organized Christian church are responsible for this, but that despite of those within who are finding the true calling and personal relationship that the Living Word provides, these other problems remain all pervasive at the same time.

The continuing byproducts of the stumbling block is shaping the world from within the church and therefore also through their actions, from without. If this continues unabated, it is not that far of a stretch to suggest it can lead to the lessons warned of in Revelation. If you had to describe what is happening you could say that the message of Christ in summation has been diverted and replaced unbeknownst to most of the followers by the deception of fallen man. Many anti- christs that will instruct and allow the process of many people falling victim to believing they are walking a path of righteousness and chosen the entire time throughout the duration of their life. They are unable to see that  they are not wearing the clothes of God and his son but have become servants of the evil nature of man. This nature has nurtured a false teaching to those even in the formalized church. They think they are saved, empowered, and guiders of those that are truly fallen and lost when really they are the facilitators of all that is wrong with the church and in and of themselves become fallen and lost. All this and more are caused by the stumbling block and adherence to the resulting corrupt teachings designed to bring about the fall of man through the end times. It is profound to observe that that most powerful force will come right out of Christ's church just like it did out of the Jewish church in the days of Jesus. Jesus teaches that the next time He will not be crucified, but the true followers of him will be condemned and no one who condemns Him will even see this as wrong. Those that see through this deception and attempt to follow Jesus through the Holy Spirit with no misguidance by man can truly avoid the fall as they follow the Holy Spirit knowing that the do so in spite of the formalized church but truly see the whole picture for what it is and how it has become distorted. Empowerment will be given to become enabled to bypass the wrongful effects of the deceptive teachings. This can help define for one the straight and narrow road that few will find. If you are not a follower of Christ but prefer to remain secular and unrelated to the affairs of a religious preference, our hope is that the abilities offered we are attempting to offer you and your conscious growth through revelations such as these will provide you with the tools you need to avoid being blinded by man’s deception.

The teaching of the example of the Old Testament stumbling block, the one Jesus spoke of and the ones that go on intrinsically interwoven into the fabric of the formalized church we believe are among the most important lessons that can be learned. You can benefit even if you do not believe to view it as we do that it has been divinely set before man by God's allowance of man to do so.  This ability to see this is given to all men plainly in the living word but most men fall through there traps of the lack of faith, need for certainty and felling of support or power through false means and lack of adherence to faith.  Lack of faith does not come from a void it comes from an over supply of certainty.  Certainty is what gives as the stumbling block its tripping power because certainty is a comforting mechanism for man yet it is deceptive and weakening rather than empowering by the living word through faith.  

Certainty empowers men with different ideas and opinions to lock onto them tightly and cease to have the ability to have growth and see as they are continually blinded by all the means in the world that God allows man to devise.  You would expect to find these things in the world.  The ironic thing is that they are not only found but originate and flourish in the Christian church.  This ridged byproduct of the things touched by man, which begins as a simple comforting but unnecessary crutch is the way the stumbling block becomes empowered but unable to be seen by even those who call themselves believers.  Those in the world have no excuse because they are already in darkness but those in the church are mostly in darkness as well and they should not be.  Just as the Jews had no excuse to not see so true also is the vision of the Christian today.  

If Jesus were here in physical form on Earth today, we believe he would be teaching in the same way as he did whilst here originally. Nothing has changed as far as the way man as a whole does things. Fortunately the Christian church, the real Christian church, we assert is not the one perceived by the general populace and bound by the limitations which harbor and confine all physical matters. We believe that the few that find themselves on the straight and narrow path will be those who have found the means in themselves who come to see through this richly fabricated veil that confounds mankind through the ages. Those few individuals through conscious growth that we personally believe are guided by the Holy Spirit will find the gifts that God allowed to the followers of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. If you are a non-believer, this that we share miraculously seems to have significance and worth even when viewed secularly. We believe this is because the universal truth that many have attributed loudly to the words God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Christian, Faith, Follower, etc. have been used in vain by those contained by the deception and have caused others that would see and attribute their sight to what should have been genuine qualities found there find their human tendency to dismiss them because of the erroneous nature of the ideological content found by those individuals in their past. So we once again assert to you that the value and truth in what we encourage you through developing mentality, spiritual growth and quest for higher conscious awareness will come to you even if you address every step as a secular one. Once you are aware you will go with all that you do it becomes more of only a question of labels and perspectives regarding words you utilize to describe the truths that you have realized. Even when you find yourself in the midst of others whose conscious are in a high state the period of time that these perspectives, labels and definitions are being worked out could be a volatile one. However, the chance that peace and harmony will result from a higher conscious collective is far greater than that of the chances among those who remain dim.

The unfortunate nature of the difficulty regarding sharing these insights with those that are not able to receive them is that they cannot be easily transferred from one individual to another, and especially not from one individual to a large group that is highly inculcated into their own self-sustaining and limited belief structure which is vulnerable to mechanisms created to deceive and allow blindness to thrive. Jesus had this same frustration when he shared the light or truth.  It is natural and should come as no surprise. This is because it is not man's job but God's. Or you could say it is the job of conscious enlightenment as we espouse in this book. We can not do the job or share the message. It is our hope only to minister to individuals who are seeking and offer understandings of the tools and how to get started with the best chance of objectivity and illumination in their own personal paths.

We find this to be our personal path, plight and place in the world. We feel we must hold these ideas up in spite of the fact that they will not be seen or understood while at the same time we help and share the tools necessary to develop a conscious that is capable of understanding. We realize that God does not need us and it was designed this way on purpose. However, at the same time we look at our design and attribute much to our creator in the way of believing in the purpose He bestowed upon us. So while our Creator does not need us, we need our Creator’s purpose. Our conscious ability to perceive, understand and show how the stumbling block that he placed for the Jews in the Old Testament is now replicated in another form for new generations has become one of our strongest purposes.

In this quiet, isolated place the conscious can find and know is within the real church Of Christ, though unrealized by many who say they are in it, we can find solace and strength to stand on the foundation that Jesus laid out for his followers.  It does not feel like or look like what man says it should so it seems strange even to us but when you put all the pieces together you can truly see the entire picture. By standing on faith alone, as we try to do, there is always stress. The stress is created and increased by the inability to be certain and the giving up of the attempt to be certain while surrounded by others who do not do such and loudly declare what they seem to know that is contradictory point of view to yours is true. The seeming force created by that state of being when the eyes and heart are not fully engaged with the holy spirit and the living word is what can slow man in his walk on the spiritual path toward God.  

We believe that once higher conscious is obtained one cannot turn away, but he can be slowed as he leaves the trappings of the darkness that he was born into. Arriving at a higher conscious is synonymous with rebirth or what followers of Christ have names the process of being born again. The newly found heightened conscious in the individual will begin the travel out of the darkness that once consumed him. All of the time the enlightened individual is traveling forward toward oneness with the highest entity. In Christ’s teachings, the requirement for this is the faith of a mustard seed. This crucial idea that separates would-be followers from certainty guides in a new way unbeknownst to them previously. How fast one can travel in this new state is determined by a number of factors. The guidance of faith through higher conscious is in direct opposition to the method of travel known previously in regards to continually building the false foundation of certainty.

Because of the flaws associated with approaches that feeble man's desire for the certainty approach brings, repentance needs to come and continue coming. The accepted perspective of repentance in the Christian church today is a crippled notion transformed into a modern contrivance that is misunderstood from the original form. It assumes that one can reach a higher conscious awareness and once again fall into darkness. We assert that this is impossible based on the teachings of Jesus. He asserted that He was one with the Living Word, and the light, the truth and one with God and the Holy Spirit. Because of this harmony we believe we have with truth which comes from awareness, to once again turn toward darkness would make no sense. According to modern accepted Christian belief, we would foolishly succumb to desires to go back to subservience and embrace the teachings of man if we did this. This gives only a false comfort, not the comfort derived from truth. The exponential acceleration of the type of false teachings required to maintain enough false comforts in an attempt to satisfy the deceived follower never satisfies. It fails to accomplish the establishment of a system based on the entwined and unison strength of faith and enlightenment. If we were to truly turn from higher conscious and redirect our focus on that which we know to be false, we would find ourselves in the same groups once again as those who are trapped by the false teachings of erroneous failures of man’s self serving leadership. If we were to go here again, this would be when we have become once again so inculcated into the church’s false teachings that it would become obvious to us and to those that we have described the journey to how erroneous we were to turn from truth. This points out clearly the logic of how once higher conscious is achieved, it is not turned from and the need for repentance is a one-time event.

In our failure to realize this we have allowed for the creation and acceptance of a false christ that gives us false comfort even while we call ourselves Christian and in the Christian church.  We are serving the antichrist and this goes on even in the church of Christ today.  We create the false need to repent and ask forgiveness again and again as if we continually fail somehow and must be redirected. Once the light is seen how can it not be seen? This makes no sense. It was only a false vision in the first place that was seen and the stumbling block is made full and real.

Because of the very stumbling blocks which we have been describing in this chapter, the conundrum of why there are so many believers in this world yet the Christians' assertion is that few can find the way may be resolved, at least for the enlightened. What we have been speaking about is the reason why the number of Christians is such a prevalent high percentage number even in the world today but by labels and definitions only. The true path is narrow and few will find it.  Even among those in the church itself, few will find it.  As the major religious of the world grow the few that do find will not only not be heard or understood but will be vilified as prophesied and eventually executed or made to suffer as the supposed right doing of those who assume the description for themselves as holy and right observe and are completely unaware they have done wrong because they walk in darkness and do not even know or possess the ability to allow themselves to come to see this.  

We can say these things today and probably be safe because they are not universally realized by all but one day that may not be the case.  We can say these things today because most are so blind they can not see this as a threat yet.  We can say these things today because most will not know what we are talking about or what the things we say mean or how we would could possibly have the authority to say these far fetched things.  We can say these things today and be assured that only the few who are truly called will see because the source is the pure holy living word.  We can say these things today in a dark world which will not understand or have any chance of even looking directly at us or perceiving us as more than a little gnat that causes a brief itch and is swatted away.  The sadness of this place we say these things from is that it is the same place that jesus said them from.  The real sadness is that even though the light came into the world the world did not see it at the time and still almost completely in unison does not see it.  This is what ti looks like to be on the narrow road.  It is so incredibly hard to describe that even those who think they are on it can not fathom what you are talking about.  

Normally when a person stands up and reveals this type of an idea to man it is thought of as a cult or some new age religion.  In our case it is nothing more than an ability to see what has largely been missed but was always there.  We are not adding anything we are not taking anything away. Our purpose is only through conscious enlightenment and spiritual walk and perspective adjustment to repoint out what was always there but that those that have dulled there sensibilities through not practicing conscious growth we have described in this book can and do miss everyday as they keep living the way they know and understand in darkness.  The darkness does not recognize or understand the light.  For us to point it out once again few will recognize us or care and those that think they are already of the light will scorn us and perhaps want to kill us.  These ideas will never be popular and they are not controlling so there is no money to be made or power to be gained.  These are ideas are in keeping with the very things that we are pointing out and this is yet again another way that we or anyone who so desires to, can simply find and realize this truth.

This has been an exercise. We can not prove this but it does serve to explain almost everything. This one idea encapsulates all that is wrong with the world and why no one realizes it. Meditate on this and accept it only if it reveals itself as truly what it is. We believe it will.