Chapter 3
Love is the Only Way
Love is the feeling we have for another
in its most pure, untainted and unqualifying essence of our being
Considering each individual person will be occupying the world with other individuals who have formed different choices and life plans than you, there is an immediate question that develops around the issue of harmony during existence on this planet. Based on the choice and the decision we spoke of in the previous chapter, every individual will be tending to live one of two ways more so than the other. Motivation for their actions will come primarily from the here and now or from that which remains unseen. The contradiction of these two positions is where you will find the manifestation of all problems known to man. The answers that each point of view offers each individual, the varying perspectives and the fervor of the consequential actions send all matter of calamity hurling to mankind. The fragility of the body in tandem with the limited perspective of the conscious provides for an enigma that has never been solved. People act as if they are certain of what they cannot see and they clash with those that are certain that all that they can see is all there is. The ripples can be seen and felt throughout the entire world, throughout recorded history and throughout all time. The results of these ripples serve to undermine all affairs of all societies that have ever exhisted, and hope of lasting peace shrivels away.
Logically, what would be the best way to get along with others and conduct one's life in the meantime? Because of the fact that regardless of what choice one makes, one is, in a sense, remaking it everyday as one’s consciousness grows. Each day each person, if they’re in touch with their conscious, is re-evaluating all that they believe. In so doing, they continually check what they think they know and perform tests to verify the validity of their ideas. Many of these tests can be confusing for others as they are more often than not self-serving for the individual conducting the tests. An example of one such test is for an individual to place an idea out there, whether they believe in it or not, and analyze the reactions of others. The act of attempting to validate one’s own ideas based on feedback from others is co-dependence, and it fails because its weak link is the combined lack of conscious from the general populace which is always less than the potential of your own when developed properly. The reason it is weaker is because you cannot possibly comprehend of another’s conscious as well as you can your own. Since one can never be convinced that the right choice was made in their life up to that point, but only that the tested idea seems more plausible when traits exhibited by others seem to bolster more conclusive evidence, do we find that our conviction grows. The danger here is that heightened convictions created by tests that cannot be relied upon continue to polarize the pool of ideas of mankind and up the ante of what each idea in that pool will eventually bring into action. Since ideas never die, this pool of corrupted ideas swells until it is so at odds with itself that it is in a state of utter turmoil and needs pacification. When this happens, unfortunately dramatic events such as war are the only seemingly plausible alternatives.
What then is left in the void of knowing truth and having an accord between all people and consciousnesses?
The answer is love. Love could help to point the way to have peaceful co-existence with others. Logically, one should have little trouble once they understand this concept, finding mercy and understanding for each and every other being on this planet knowing that they are going through the exact same things as you on a daily basis. So why doesn’t this happen? The very reason why we’re writing this book, because man is not in touch with his conscious but only with whatever devices he finds that will immediately serve his needs. Many may not appear to be struggling as they manifest their outward signs in a barrage of ways, but it stand to reason that any degree of consciousness that a human being ascends to will be plagued by these profound questions. Understanding the cause and the system will enable you to escape the trap of ignorance and darkness that binds mankind.
What is most disturbing is that the individuals who are most successful at burying the idea, that they cannot know, into their subconscious, create a false idea which takes its place. This idea is called certainty. Because of this self-inflicted needed to be validated, those that embrace the idea of certainty will actually become the people who attempt to inflict their choices and beliefs on others by persuasion or even force. The act of this defies the existence of reason and also love. A tandem partner that is present whenever love is not is judgement. Judgement cannot exist because certainty cannot exist. Therefore, those that strive for the utilization of these ideas lack the ability to truly love. When these ideas, certainty and judgement, are understood and cease to exist, love can be found. Learn to identify they symptoms when you see it. You will see it is everywhere and the single most significant manifestation of all problems known to man.