Chapter 6
Living Life with One Arm Tied Behind Your Back
Gauge the Worth of Your Consciousness
If you woke up tomorrow and found yourself blind, would you be enabled or disabled, more so than you are today? Most people would probably say the latter. But a person who lives a life of trying to finely hone and elevate their consciousness would likely say the former would be the case. We’re not suggesting that a disability is necessary to reach a greater level, but that misdirected abilities can actually deter one from achieving a fully functional and worthy consciousness. Many people utilize all their capabilities to achieve a means of attaining what they want, so much so that the acquisition tends to steer the course of their lives. When one either chooses that their final acquistion can change or is faced with the reality that they cannot attain it, new growth can occur. Think about the skills and education you have and the road that you have traveled on your career path. Are you benefitting more from those skills you’ve developed or is the job that you do or your employer benefitting more? Chances are, in the world today, if you have a high degree of education and/or skill development, you have the ability to be a very important brick in the wall. As such, the usage of what you have to offer is not directed at yourself but directed at the total effort of the entity that supposedly will reward you, whether that be your employer or similar.
If you were blind tomorrow, most likely the developed things that you use in daily life would no longer serve you. That is because the things you develop in your daily life were never created or nurtured to serve you in the first place. You just use them as means to an end. This is all too common and this is one of the largest reasons that people do not spend enough time developing their consciousness. If we found ourself blind tomorrow, at first it would be difficult because we would not be able to support our financial obligations. If we received help and had a good plan, we would eventually minimize the costs involved in running our lives to the point that what we do could start to be more about consciousness than where we were before. This would occur because we would have less choices. And the choices we had would not as easily trip us up and misguide us. But let’s consider this model and see the value in it and utilize it even though we have our sight today.
The question before you is this: What would it take, barring this disability to see, in order to cause you to structure your life so that development of consciousness is the reward instead of attainment of the plethora of other things that you associate value with. A fully developed consciousness is something that no one can take away. It is a gift that you can give yourself, the greatest gift you can give yourself, and it is free. When consciousness becomes your reward, entire senses, like sight for instance, can be taken away but your most precious asset, a developed consciousness, will still serve you and will continue to develop. Thinking of this possibility is a good test for you to realize the value of consciousness.
Think of all the things that one spends their time doing that really amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things. If we were blind, tomorrow we might not spend as much time cleaning the house. We would find it more difficult to contribute to most employers’ agendas. We would probably spend much less time on everyday mundane tasks. We would be less likely to seek material objects that require a lot of time and effort to attain. We would be delving into a deeper understanding of our own consciousness and searchig ever more diligently for a way to help others find the value that they, even with their sight, may overlook on a daily basis.
From what you’ve learned about life thus far, and the consciousness that you have developed, could you easily write books of valuable insights? Could you play beautiful music? Could you counsel others? Could you find more focus to see the value in the understanding of daily events that you had overlooked in the past? If you are developing your consciousness, as you should be, you will find the answers to these questions and ones like them to be yes.