Chapter 7
Are There Prophets in the World Today?
Developing the tools of conscious analysis cannot only find but produce prophets
In the process of searching for a prophet, one must analyze not what is being said but the consciousness of the one that is saying it, whether that be you or another individual. To start off by saying I cannot possess the ability to be that for which I search is overly limiting. When we believe that greater is that which is outside of ourself than what is within we start off on a bad footing that sets up bad perspectives which can limit and inhibit our conscious growth from the very beginning. We must view our consciousness as unlimited with infinite growth potential. When we start off like this it is no longer necessary to seek an individual outside of ourself because we may feel that they can somehow be greater. This is a fallacy. Consider this you have the potential to develop your conscious to the state that it would need to be to be considered prophetic.
Let’s look at developing perspectives and tools that will help us to analyze and understand the conscious of others as well as ourselves.
In earlier times, a prophet was someone who said or foretold something of note or importance that served to chart our current position in relation to our future. Today with the advent of modern media, it is evident that everyone has opinions about the things that once were reserved for prophets to speak of. So it is no longer a question of who to listen to but how would one know how to determine who has a valid offering when every person with a mouth could be viewed as a possible prophet.
One of the most important tools that you have is the ability to learn to analyze the composition and content of a conscious whether it be yours or that of another. But what does a conscious look like?
Look around you. Especially in countries such as the United States where the majority of citizens have more than they want, need or know what to do with. Let’s take the obvious visualization of their physical forms as an example. A lack of discipline and guidance in one’s life has left the majority of the citizens in the United States in a perpetual state of being overweight and out of shape. Many are excessively so. It is our suggestion that the unguided, undisciplined, unnourished mind/conscious, if it could be seen and analyzed as easily as the physical form can be, would appear much in the same state as the physical body or even worse. Why is this so? One need only look in the mirror to check on one’s physcial status, but how does one examine the nature of one’s conscious status or that of others? If a person looks in the mirror and knows they need to lose weight and yet cannot make that happen for themselves, or even realize the importance of why they should, then how much harder is it for a person who knows they need conscious growth but possess no way to examine it as easily as looking in a mirror. They also may find it much more difficult to change the shape of their conscious because of their unawareness of the ability of monitoring their conscious without such measurement devices as scales, mirrors, etc. that are so easily used for our physical form. If it is possible to fail on a diet because of one’s tendency to easily stray or fool one’s self into deviation from a productive path, how much easier is it to let the unseen conscious wander in whatever direction it desires when left totally unchecked. ?Even to one that believes they are consciously guiding their path, they may be continually fooled by the conscious which has the ability to increasingly deceive the subject into thinking they are in charge when really it is the consciousness who is controlling the individual.
Overweight individuals, though they have the perspective and resources to realize what needs to be done and still do not act, serve as a reminder to us why something such as the unseen conscious even more so does not receive the attention it deserves. It is much more difficult for one to scrutinize the conscious of self as well as others. We submit to you that it is most likely a true statement that the consciousness of most people would reflect an even greater lack than the physical qualities if they could be seen and compared equally with that of the physical.
What does the mind do to allow for this degradation of the physical state and/or conscious state? How is it allowed to happen and be perpetuated by individuals in mass numbers? The short answer is the negative ramifications are not viewed by the individual or the society as harshly as they could be. And the positive gains for correction are not elevated in the consciousness of society or the individual as they could be. If an individual thinks that they can do better they might be tripped up when they are told by their weak minds and bodies that they require another dose of what got them to the stage that they’re currently in. Unless a paradigm shift occurs in their thinking and lifestyle, which often comes out of necessity rather then desire, the chances are that the paths traveled by these indivduals will remain steady and constant throughout their lives. Our advice is not to depend on society to look out for your best interests. Society feeds on the weak-minded but doesn’t really assist them. Just take a look at the gluttony of diet books available and multitude of pushy religous and spiritual programs and media. It could be suggested that the world actually makes a living off the lacks of the individual who is in need. Prior to looking to others for aid, you would need to determine if the benefits you receive from society by relinquishing control to them outweighs the apparent risks associated with such a move. Our suggestion is that the false facade lies in the fact that most harm towards society is done under the guise of helping it. You must become a self-helper because there is no way of analyzing whether or not the help of others has any worth for your particular case.
Could it be that the system, as a whole as well as the individual, contributes to the decline of the consciousness? We are suggesting that the quest for higher consciousness, when the physical needs are met, actually does decline. We are suggesting that society truly is helping itself rather than those that are reaching out for help. An individual must become consciously and physically self-sufficient in order to depend and trust that self-aid is available to them. So this is something that in your conscious state you need to analyze and become aware of so that you can constantly monitor your direction and growth without additonal aid from society. If you feel like you already have all that you need, you’re in danger of your body’s sensibilities actively engaging in deceptive practices with your consciousness in order to continue to find the type of refurbishment they seek whether they are ultimately good for you or not.
“Luxury is more ruthless than war,” wrote the poet Juvenal two thousand years ago. This quote helps us to realize that it is important for each individual to analyze for themselves whether they are existing in luxury above and beyond their daily needs. If the answer is yes, then an additional guard and understanding must be in place to protect one’s path. Because left unchecked, the conscious when sensing the body is exposed to luxury, has a more difficult time determining a productive course on its own. And thus will not voluntarily grow at its full potential. Jesus said that it is as difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven as it is for a camel to squeeze through a small and narrow hole in the wall surrounding the city. It can be done, but it is less likely that it will. The undisciplined conscious normally serves to help the body recognize its needs in order to insure nothing more than basic survival. The often overlooked additional benefit to a trained conscious can provide an individual with far more than just basic needs being met. More importantly, the trained conscious will allow the individual to escape traps associated with chasing after fruitless and even harmful wants and desires. Only those that are aware that they must self-nurture their conscious will continue to grow to new levels. Determining that your conscious is running your life in a positive manner is only the very first step toward developing a perspective of your surroundings that can be verified by yourself and leave a residual path that can be followed by one’s self or others to the same conclusion. The path described is a constant development process that occurs one systematic step at a time throughout the total development of one’s conscious and one’s life. So the journey one would take toward developing prophetic abilities within oneself is not associated with age or greatness but with perspective that comes from a fully developed conscious.
What we’re talking about here is vitally important to determining whether you’re capable of being a prophet or to properly recognize prophetic abilities in others. People’s lifestyles and clues of what and how they think, in most circumstances, will reveal that few are able to develop a clear enough picture with a finely honed conscious to be able to reliably analyze our world with a perspective that is large enough to contain descriptive answers or projections about the state of our world now and in the future. While you cannot analyze another’s conscious, your own conscious, once fully developed through your own systematic path of analysis of life experience can aid you in recognizing the merits or trappings in others. Rather than spending your life in search of a modern prophet, you will see that the path is available to actually become one. Becoming one is more reliable than anything you can gain from anyone else because you can put yourself in touch with reliable understanding that surpasses faith in every aspect of your thought process. The levels of analysis are virtually infinite and all accessible to you.
How do people fall victim to belief in false prophets? When listening to another individual, one often finds themselves reacting on an emotional level alone. The flair exhibited by the individual and the size and dynamic of their supporters, as well as the desire of finding one’s own point of view supported by the message, are major contributing factors to surrender to the view of another. Even the sedentary nature of the act of listening rather than the interactive participation necessary in the guiding of one’s own conscious forms an easier path toward blind allegiance. Blind allegiance requires less energy and is thus found in those possessing an undisciplined and undeveloped conscious. For individuals capable of discernment, evidence can be analyzed and seen through proper understandings of clues exhibited by others. We are not suggesting that one can judge but that one can come close to making a strong reliable analysis of a person or idea for oneself. This is not able to be done normally because so few have developed their conscious beforehand. They turn to the next best thing they can find which is a group or individual to follow. They never think they are following blindly but with the absence of the ability to think for themself that is exactly what they are doing. We are suggesting that a lazy conscious would rather succumb to another’s point of view than to take full responsibility for their own. This approach is all prevalent today in most all that would seek to find a modern prophet. Abandon surrendering your conscious to another and become the controller of your own conscious and thus your own life which will consequently affect the lives of all you reach. It is our belief that this will lead logically to global perspectives that can be as functional as the words of a prophet. This bold idea when analyzed and understood is not very far-fetched but indeed within your reach and your most reliable means of finding a prophet in the world today.
Let’s use the teachings of Jesus for an example of what a prophet might be like today. We are using this example out of familiarity and because followers of Jesus’ teachings have been informed of the significance of the events that would culminate in the fulfillment of this world’s final and ultimate purpose. When asked how one would go about recognizing the end days, Jesus said that one would not receive any miraculous signs but that anybody that was in touch with His teachings and able to recognize the ways of the world would be able to tell when those days would approach in the same way one could view the sky and predict the weather. But today you hear all matter of men adapting the “Chicken Little” philosphy to suit their own various and contradictory needs, but logically these contradicting ideas cannot all be correct. With each passing year people and their predictions have failed. Why is this so? It is human nature to jump at every misunderstood event as if it were bigger than it really is and thus it gets called a sign. Limited human perspective has a tendency to magnify rather than diminish the unknown. The fact is that most things that are going on in the world today have been going on since the dawn of time, both in regards to society and geological events. The main positive tool that we have today is the ability to be globally and universally aware while providing that information to all who would receive it. We may think we live in extraordinary times because of our technical advances, but these are mere tools that are only representative of the things that were also in place in earlier societies. Those earlier societies were in marvel of their achievements as well. But no matter how far their societies grew they were still like an island on the globe unable to learn from all things and reach all people. Because of controlled ignorance and the stifling of many less fortunate by the powerful and greedy, our island has grown but only a partial picture of the entire body of understanding is presented to most. One of the things we have that is now a new daunting, unprecedented thorn in our sides as human beings is the overwhelming plethora of information. A prophet’s ability to sort out, understand, and more importantly discard, the most inherently connected bits of information that are indeed most useful is what makes him what he is. The problem is that because others don’t have this ability, they cannot do the same things but worse. They can’t even recognise those that do. So we do have profits amongst us but no one knows it except the profits themselves and the few that understand. Don’t go looking for them or you will undoubtedy find the self-proclaimed profits who are the squeakiest wheels in all sects of society and upon closer examination by intellingence, common sense, fully conscious people can easily recognize their shallow rants for what they are.
What gives these false profits their power to deceive? Ignorance, a gathering group’s desire to accomplish and agree upon an ulterior motive, a soul’s desire to feel touched and gifted by their creator. And what increases the power of the things they say and makes them more credible? Nothing new to the Earth but instead a new way to record, share and pump up the volume of the same things keeping it constantly refreshed and revived for the endless titillation of the dulled consciousnesses of the ever reborn general populace. It is not surprising that the normal mundane cosmology and geological events that have always comprised our world and universe are being given new faces and cloaks to place upon themself that are decorated and adorned in all matter of acoutrement that any given sect of society will find appealing and understandable to their particular perspective, thus causing them to lob on to the teachings of these false profits. Let’s look at the materials these false profits entertain to achieve their goals same old stuff, but let’s look at it with new perspective. With overcrowding the advent of photography, video and all means of interactive modern media touching all people on the planet and the ever increasing extremes of polarity between the haves and have nots, one cannot help but see every movement of the Earth’s crusts, oceans, weather and society as parts of the signs.
Our Earth is liquid molten rock in the center and the shape of the continents and the Earth’s surface has changed continually through all time. It is the agreed opinion of modern science that at one time our separate continents were one large land mass. Now during the process of that land mass spreading across the oceans and dividing into many different continents as we know them today, any man who is rational and logical could be helped to see that the earthquakes and natural events that accomplished the initial shaping of the Earth and further shaping of the Earth to prepare the surface for our inhabitants must have brought forth such a plethora of mind-boggling events. If we could bare witness to them today and properly analyze and create a well-balanced perspective, we could see all things as they actually are. Throughout all time, all societies have elevated all things past the realm of their understanding into the best devices their minds could conjure that placed difficult ideas into the realm of iconic substantive form such as demons and gods. The outer fringes of man’s understanding is where these ill-conceived devices live and thrive. Those that can go there, take what they find and through their self-serving motives, can transform the information into a viable form that society can launch onto are the ones that are listened to and revered today. Our goal is to do these same things with major differences. With fully developed conscious, no ulterior motives, and the ability to believe that all mankind, through not reducing the signs given to us universally by our Creator, to a limited humanistic view of things, may take these very things that others have had access to that have gone before and literally utilized them in an effective manner, one that could be trusted with far more than faith by anyone with a fully developed conscious and understanding. that all the primitive people’s of the Earth have always viewedit is almost impossible to ascertain. Yet every time the Earth shudders in our modern world, because of photography and media and mass poverty-stricken overpopulated countries dotting the globe, every normal event now of the Earth has been transformed into a catastrophe. To the unenlightened, ignorant observer with a less than fully enriched conscious that cannot get their head to think outside of the box, everything now appears to be a sign. This is even worse than the inability to see any sign at all.
So, a profit today would not be a predictor of the future and this is why they would not be recognized as quickly as you’d suspect. A profit today would be one that could make real sense out of what is going on and separate reality from illusion. This type of person would have no ulterior motives, would be well-founded and grounded in the teachings, for example, of Jesus and the natural relationship and understanding of man with the Creator’s plan. A profit today would take into account every circumstance on the globe and in the universe, have a well-balanced extraordinary perspective of all things that could be known or understood through the grace of God, and would not resort only to describing hot button topics in order to arouse anxiousness and particular ways of thinking out of the common populace. Because of the desire to use the word of God as one’s own ulterior motives to push given populaces toward a desired point of view one creates their view of the weather and the end of the world so deceptively to their own conscious and the conscious of others, that few maintain the ability to observe all natural things in an unbiased manner. Those that maintain the integrity of their conscience, their intelligence and their spirituality, and escape all the goings-ons of mankind, would be what you call a profit today.