Understanding Anxiety


Many people experience some degree of anxiety or nervousness at one time or another which is more than they would like if they had the choice about it. If one experiences anxiety in a prolonged or a extreme way and finds that it is beginning to interfere with a proper functioning, well balanced life, they may be experiencing what is called an anxiety disorder. Having an anxiety disorder doesn't mean one is beyond help. One may be merely experiencing higher levels of fear or apprehension than is common. Fortunately this is treatable by a perspective shift and through the well implemented use of tools that I can help you to develop.

There are many forms of anxiety disorders. If think any of them might describe what you feel consider my counsel. Stress disorders may involve reactions to situations where the person experienced or observed a traumatic event that involved actual or possible injury or death.

Anxiety Alert Checklist
Anxiety comes when one formulates a long intense list of perceived tensions associated with much or irregular amounts of concern regarding the chance of danger or harm. One may have more anxiety than they may be able to handle effectively if they are:

Overly nervousness or anxiousness much of the time

Unrealistic and constantly worry about bad things occurring

Restlessness and uncomfortable naturally, keyed-up on edge most of the time

Experiencing changes in normal sleeping patterns

Easily annoyed, have a short fuse

Having difficulty concentrating or experiencing there thoughts disappearing and have trouble quickly remembering what they were thinking

Finding that they become tired easily without engaging in activities that require much exertion

Experiencing unnatural muscle tension

Anxiety disorders or excessive worry is almost constant worry and fretting over things in life, usually without good reasons. The worry can seem endless and the worst is usually expected to happen. The worry may interfere with sleep or concentration.

Panic Disorders involve going through periods of sudden extreme fear where a person feels he or she is dying, going mad, or having a heart attack. Intense physical symptoms like shortness of breath, choking, trembling, and a racing heart may accompany these periods. These periods result from an oversupply of an irrational fear. Even the fear of having another panic attack can provoke one. Negative ramifications that impact daily life can reside in the person avoiding places where they experience anxiety or not wanting to be out where they can be witnessed if they have another attack. Many times the person in extreme cases avoids going out of the home all together.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders are anxieties characterized by repetitive thoughts or impulses to performed unnecessary actions in overly structured ways or rituals that may be irrational or repetitive which a person feels no control over. Common obsessions are thoughts of being exposed to germs, or repeated doubts and worries theft or lose you can prevent by locking doors, or of rigid rules for how things must be arranged. Some common compulsions are behaviors such as excessive washing of the hands, repeatedly checking doors or lights, or precisely arranging things in a particular order. The compulsive behavior serves to reduce the internal anxiety caused by the obsessional thoughts, but only temporarily.

Social Phobias are excessive fears about being judged or evaluated in public or of exposure to unfamiliar people. Often social phobias can prevent a person from going to normal and usual places such as restaurants or stores.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a form of anxiety where there is a reliving of some very traumatic event that has happened in life, such as an accident or injury, some natural disaster, or a personal experience difficult to deal with such as rape. Often the person has recurring dreams, flashbacks, or a sense of reliving the traumatic event, and these moments cause much distress.

Agoraphobia is fear of assemblies or large groups. Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety in which the person fears being caught without an easy means of escape, such as in buildings, driving on the Interstate, crossing bridges, or in elevators etc. Often this form of fear disorder seriously restricts how far from home a person can travel or where they can go comfortably. Often associated with panic disorders, this form of anxiety can significantly restrict a person's lifestyle by lessoning ones desire and ability to function normally away from home or other perceived places of safety.

Other Specific Phobias more common than others, are an excessive fear of some object or situation, such as a fear of dogs, a fear of heights, not wishing to travel on an airplane or public speaking. Common personal reactions are to avoid the objects of the fear so as to not allow them to become intense enough to cause a break down. An example would be to never ride an elevator. This can become debilitating when combining several phobias together that require a major loss of common societal functioning. This type of inconvenience is completely unnecessary and curable.

There is a name for just about everything one can describe. One should know that they are not alone but there is no real comfort in that is there? Why not seek help and find true comfort and more? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and they are interfering with your proper healthy functioning in life, you may benefit from my counsel.

It is often found that there are other disorders which accompany this one that should also be looked at and treated such as depression, low self-esteem, and reduced self-confidence etc. Often anxiety disorders also lead to abuse of alcohol or drugs as in an effort to nullify the feelings associated with the impacts for the symptoms

Many therapists utilize medications in addition to their counsel. I do not advocate medication. I focus on perspective shifts through a higher mentality, which can be accomplished by heightened conscious growth which leads to over all awareness of things previously unknown to the individual in treatment. This process is attained by the use of mental tools and perspectives along the way. As an end result the individual becomes self qualified to overcome much of the chemical imbalances that are occurring in the minds and bodies of those who find themselves trapped without the knowledge and ability to help themselves.

With your own help for your own self which you can gain through working with my counsel you can experience real relief, transition, confidence, improved self-esteem and offer a new vision for your future that you never had before. You have very little to lose and more than you can probably currently comprehend to gain.