What is the truth? The paster will tell you one thing, the person on the street another, and the scientist still another. So on it goes forever it seems but truth never comes from knowing.
I keep talking about how I can help heighten one's conscious and offer to counsel in helpful ways through unique tools and perspective shifts that enhance perception. Are you wandering what I am talking about? Consider this as a start.
The first and foremost thing that you must realize to get through what I have gotten through is that no one knows anything for certain. This sounds simple but it is anything but simple, if you are unaware of how you are trapped by the deceptive forces that are perpetuating the ills of man.
Certainty is much more than a comforter. It is a way of life and has become so much so, that few realize there is any other way. They utilize and rely on the certainty to guide their entire lives from the inside out. It would be far too painful for most to fully consciously realize that nothing can be known and there was no way to insure safety in this life or the next. Most spend their lives devising and searching for ways to nullify their senses to these things so that this type of thought is buried as deeply as it can be in their subconscious.
Even for the unborn and unthought of, there is no safety and no escape from the idea that utter tragedy awaits. As soon as existence exists all is possible and nothing is known. In this universe of time, space and matter who knows what composes it all or what lies within or beyond. Scientists think that space goes infinitely smaller and infinitely larger. As one of the things that humans have the capability of developing over and above the animals it makes sense to say this but it also makes sense that most unconsciously run from it and avoid it all the days of their lives.
What weak human with limited perspective can deal with this effectively? In my feeble but uniquely promising attempts I will try to show a way I think few have ever gone and that way is compromised of embracing your weakness and lack of ability to know in order to gain strength if at all possible. For instance, I know I know nothing and I know that no one else knows nothing however even though I know it the other person does not know it and so I have now gained an advantage. Through my not knowing I can know I have already achieved a head start over those that would consider themselves among the most powerful people on earth. I know they are not yet it has not occurred to them yet. This is indeed powerful yet how can it help to start off with this most crucial of ideas as your foundation?
You will be realistically prepared far beyond the level that anyone else can hope to achieve or even can realize they should be aware of. How can we work this to help us with our survival? This is a major initial blast off point for conscious growth. The initial inclination would be that you could study any person or situation and come to be able to more fully analyze it than any other people so as to gain an upper hand for your self gratification within the realm of the others and operating as the others do, but you would have to learn and know and apply all that you do back on the world itself and become one of them in order to do that now wouldn't you? That is why it does not work. And you once again become trapped if you fall short in this one area. The true seeker seeks for the right reasons or would never break through the illusion in the first place to truly seek so it is a catch twenty two if you think you can find gratification enough to over power your weaknesses and what you know to not know about your potential for disaster. Nothing you seek to find that is designed to gratify will ever be enough because once you have seen the true perspectives and had a perception that can fathom the infinite you can not go back to fooling yourself ever again.
You could walk the road of tools and techniques that you could gain skills for doing such but I will not teach that or advise it and I doubt you would ever have the wisdom to start and then the foolishness to lose it but I suppose it is possible for one to be foolish enough to want to try at least. I would only say that if that is your motivation I am shocked that you ever got to where you are now. I would be have to refuse to teach and counsel you. For most people that are caught up in this type of perspective are those who are among the most powerful players of the games played on earth and truly doomed. What they have gained is of purely disgusting content. The most powerful that abuse their power in this way over others in an attempt to overcome their despair and satisfy themselves temperately are among the weakest of the weak and most worthless of the worthless. They are also the most lost but with in the confines of the world of illusion that almost all people operate in where they appear that they are the chosen and most fortunate it would seem.
The reality is almost the exact mirrored opposite of the perception. Those who are appearing to thrive and to win the game are amount those that have most successfully buried what they fear and overcome it with the promise of some satisfying temporary fulfillment and delusion at the highest possible cost. They pay with the choice that they have been given of their very lives and souls for all time.
A long life is the same as a short life. They are but moments in time. The shedding of the darkness of man's deception and ills is of the utmost importance in the ability to afford man the chance to even realize that he must make the choice in the first place. Most stay in darkness their whole lives never having a chance. Some sense the logical existence of the things that I am talking about but can not muster the ability on their own to have any real chance of the initial factors being in line to realize that it can be realized.
So what are we to do? I can not tell you for sure to pray. I can not tell you for sure to enjoy your life and do what you can to thrive considering no other alternatives. I can not tell you to do any combination of things or avoid doing others because I do not know anything. I can tell you only that you are better because you are not like the others and have found this place amid almost impossible odds. I wish there were more but it is truly hard to find even a handful with in a life time. I hope to encounter more and feed off the vast pools of nothingness while we share as truth emerges for us and we can see beliefs have real meaning.
What good am I? It probably sounds like I believe in nothing. Oh so contrary. I believe in many things but only know that I know nothing. I have faith only and that is rear. That is what I can offer. I can show you the road to faith and away from certainty. While on the road I can help you over come your problems through counseling which will come easy at that point. As many counselors will attest the most difficult part of helping someone is for them to recognize they need it and for them to allow it.
As I said, I have something that few have. I have the ability to have belief. Oh sure, everyone says they have that but the difference is that they really do not. They only have a certainty not a belief. A belief is so incredibly hard to actually have because to say that and mean it is almost impossible. It would mean you had an incredibly high tolerance for pain because as long as you held a belief you knew that anything else at the exact same time could also be true instead. That is one of the most difficult things to live with and few can do it so what they do is they call what they think they know, a belief when it is simply not a belief. They gather groups together to support and contribute to their feelings.
The entire world is made up almost completely of this type of individual. When is the last time you met someone who did not have an opinion? Maybe never? Yes for me it has been just about never. It just does not exist. Even with me and my telling you what I am telling you the chances are you will think I am the same. You will think I know what I am saying. You have only my word that I do not know what I am saying but only think it. Few people that you can talk to will even understand this concept.
The searching for an audience that can grasp what I am attempting to explain is one of the hardest things I do daily. With my concealing I require it for most cases because the inability to have it would require me to lie or seriously misrepresent the perspectives necessary for helping some one to truly change. What most counselors do is allow an individual to think they have changed by mastering some well chosen life tools that actually improve their station in life and they see what they got from counseling as a success. It is actually anything but. It is a shallow false illusion perpetuation that gives others a leg up on others that operate with in the world of the same false illusions. It is completely confined to the matrix and no amount of this type of counseling will ever help anyone in the way that I am qualified to uniquely help.
My problem is that the current audience for what I do is so limited that I have to appear to help in conventional ways while really helping in the way I am talking about. The help does come but it comes in ways not sought or realized until he entire life is transformed. By then the one who is counseled is working on a whole new set of problems then the one they thought they had when they were yet still asleep and living under most of the false delusion only suspecting they might need help.
Spend some time pondering on this and ask yourself if you are strong enough to pursue this road with help from my counseling. Talk to me personally about it when you are ready. For each person it takes on a special quality that is unique to their needs and perceptions at least from the outset. You can be assured to develop completely new perspectives in very little time. Finding the keys to getting past stuck points in your life could not have been easier. The difficult part will come when you decide where to go next once you are unstuck in a way you never dreamed.
Take the blue pill. I will help you swallow it and together we can explore how deep the truth and empowerment of knowing nothing can go.