What is a Psycho Social Crisis? It is the point at which a person becomes incapable of reliably providing self analysis and growth on their own.
Too easily, as we travel through the many stages of life we develop a type of passivity or numbness regarding our belief, observation, and importance we allow for all things that do not possess an obvious perceptible nature in the physical realm. Because of the elusive higher essence which many unseen unprovable things of higher innate value have, they are also more difficult to comprehend and perceive fully in the early stages of life even before this numbness becomes developed fully. Because so many things beyond the obvious that cannot be proven or shown, but only described and/or hoped for, they require a higher conscious perception to fathom and understand. Telling a child about them is not enough. Helping them to perceive on their own is imperative but hardly ever done. Consequently they may never develop for us because by the time we would have been able to perceive them our natural growth has not been allowed to be elevated to where it could have been at that point in our lives.
The problem is that the stronghold we allow ourselves to be overtaken by while the conscious is in early stages allows an overwhelming onslaught of the troubles from the overwhelming false delusions offered in droves from this world. These false perspectives and delusions can consume us fully and all before a healthy conscious mentality has had the natural time to fully develop in us. So in darkness we may remain for all of our days unless we find other ways out. In our desperation and blindness we trade what could have brought true value but since could not perceive it, we instead opt for the things that are most obviously designed in the tangible to world to obviously appear to have value.
When we choose to operate only with the seen and obvious we cannot realize that desire and fulfillment alone are not of real innate transcendent value. As we may come to believe that this world is all there is we would rather have some forms of joy than none. If it could be proven to all that what we see is all there is, then all things of pleasure and enjoyment would be considered good as long as they offered more than bad. If it feels good do it. Our whole society attempts to offer that ability to everyone and contributes regular new ideas and design for all things so that pleasures and distractions are not only available but become the way of life as they are the most profitable commodity as well.
This path is the one we are on currently and have been on throughout most of the known history of our world. It can lead us all through life being virtually shut off, at least in so far as our conscious becomes so dim it cannot perceive a way to guide or help us find real value, meaning, passion, or joy.
One by one, almost all people surrender to the darkness, out of and away from growth and toward a backward progression into the abyss. Oblivious to what has happened they fill their lives with whatever they can as they go on a forever frustrating search, forever chasing after only things of apparent and obvious shallow surface value. Larger meanings of life are lost to us and as we do whatever we have to survive only. Our ability to self guide and learn, slips away from us as we surrender to a downward spiral, gravitating ever toward emptiness that come from only the brief fulfillments and pleasures we can find that are affordable and available to us in our state of utter desperation and search for true fulfillment and self identity.
Added harm comes from the ability to recognize the manipulations and profitable qualities inherent in the designing and selling of these ultimately low value things for the temporary pleasures and distractions they offer. Traffickers and participants become caught up in a life long process that is cyclical in nature which further entraps the confused individual who's conscious has no ability to intervene and correct the situation until it is too late. The lines become blurred. It is all a mess that can only be described as a state of being in darkness or not consciously aware or perceptive. Change cannot ever come by self decision because the person who would choose has become perceptively powerless by themselves. It is too bad because the ability to find even a glimmer of perception would be all that initially is necessary to offer potential for real positive change.
Instead, what has happened is a Psycho Social Crisis. The inability to change or grow or even perceive potential or practical use from change or growth within and from ourselves inhibits us. Without other intervention, these individuals left to themselves and their own devices are doomed. In one regard or another this group constitutes just about every living person on earth. A Psycho Social Crisis can grip, and does grip practically everyone at one point or another from that point it overtakes them until the end of their days. It is only a question of when this will happen. For some it happens only upon death for most it comes far before that. Many live all through life with a dead or no existent conscious. The infinite potential for varying results form this experience of the utter stop of all potential for growth and the ills they can lead to can leave us so damaged and confused that it is difficult to feel we can ever gain the ability sort it all out. We might sense there is more and maybe ask for help, but so few are able know to ask. Furthermore, even fewer are able to help.
Traditional psychotherapy can be very costly and can last a life time because the approach it takes is to study the ills and correct by the alteration of them after delving deep into how the person consciously made them. After finding the answers, if one can find the answers, the complicated million piece jigsaw puzzle leaves the treatment prospects hopeless for the person requiring the help.
Rather than disassembling and then trying to reassemble like a surgeon, I offer something much more effective and thorough. It can happen so fast you will not even fully realize that it has happened. The sorting out process you will then have instead of the one from the process of making it happen, comes only from the understanding eventually of why and how it happened instead the seemingly endless uphill battle to make it happen that so many counselors and psycho therapists offer. So instead of endless burdens and wonder if cures will come you at once receive the cure and instead spend you time understanding it while you are developing to higher and higher conscious levels.
To achieve this change we must start over but why and how? In order to avoid the process of chaos allowing entropy to creep in prematurely as we age, we must find ways to slow the natural breaking down process as we ultimately lose our conscious at death. We must learn to control it to allow ourselves a chance for a method and the time necessary to have conscious growth and new perceptive ability to allow a higher vision of reality so that we can make a choice in the best way we can while we can.
How do we lose or stop ourselves from gaining the ability to help ourselves continue to self analyze and help ourselves provide for and sustain our own growth? The process of decline starts early in ones life before growth can really begin, before people are aware of their own conscious and the development of the full mentality. As we experience the normal things we think we are supposed to we start to feel like we are just ton the ride until we die and we get stuck, we become more jaded, even fearful. Our growth stops at this point or even goes backwards and we do not even realize it. So many people succumb to the limitations placed on them by society, eventual acceptance of those limitations comes and then also belief that the limitations are natural and unchangeable comes as well.
These limitations can manifest themselves in many ways or beliefs that prevent us from getting the full experience out of our life and its design. Anything that causes us to not realize our entire highest conscious is a limitation and should be removed for our very own survival not to mention our daily enjoyment, fulfillment and purpose in life which comes from a heightened conscious perspective of fathoming the infinite potential of all things, both good and bad. Because we are limited we can conclude that all good and bad things are limited with in our realm but not necessarily in the eternal realm. They are not good choices even if you posses the right combinations of them.
So when we fathom infiniteness, we go outside of our current perspective and continue to do so throughout our life. When we do this we forever expand our conscious and our mentality which helps us to formulate new beneficial perspectives through our new found ever self enhancing perception. The failure to do this regularly and on your own results in stagnant growth and the inability of an individual to ever start again on their own because the perception and mentality is so dull in the person, they have lost the ability to fathom the infinite. The inability to do this and the lack of regularly doing so is the food source for all ills and psychological decline of the conscious and eventually the body of the individual then eventually all of society and the world itself.
This decline filters through all of society and even effects the entire fate of humanity itself. It all starts with each and every one of us. Let's look at this and get past it today, right now. All that needs to happen for that first step is the application of a new perspective which comes from an understanding. If you allow me one small chance to take your perception to a whole new level for a brief moment I think I can kick start it. It is up to you to keep it running. I can help if you need counsel during the critical period but once you are past, it will be up to you. Let's look at what makes up the problem of the human Psycho Social Crisis and thoroughly analyze it so that we can formulate a perspective that will allow us past it. The words and ideas contained in this brief article are only the keys to perspectives and tools that you will design, build, and utilize with my help until you can do it naturally at all times and with all things on your own.
So why is the Psycho Social Crisis so prevalent and why do almost all people succumb to it at some point in their life? In the most basic terms, people get tired of challenges when they don’t know how to look at challenges from the perspective of learning and finding solutions. If your point of view is that challenges are difficult, life then becomes even more of a burden for you to voluntarily choose to create and allow more challenges, and such to come into your workable conscious.
This can at first seem like an acceptable path to the mentality if it is lazy, untrained, and unperceptive, but avoidance of challenge and resulting conscious elevation not only stops growth but reverses it and allows for adverse effects in the mind and even the physical body, contributing to disease, illness and premature death. At the very least you get more tired as you get older and search constantly for ways to avoid things that require your energies and the downhill slide becomes exponentially accelerated. As you get older, you can loose the desire and the capability to experience passion and joy. There is just not enough energy for it even though it would be a good experience you cannot make it happen. Joy cannot be thought of as something that can only happen when the experiences spike to certain extraordinary heights such as in something phenomenal like winning the lottery. Counting on something like this for growth, as desperate and illogical as it seems, is actually more common that one might think. Though this is an extreme example, few perhaps no events offer a real substitution for self growth which comes from within by being fully consciously aware of the without.
For most downtrodden people and for the most part for a vast majority of people experiencing a Psycho Social Crisis this is the inevitable place they are going to be eventually. Some travel there faster than others and some start at earlier points in their lives than other but most people succumb to this at one point or another unless one of to things happens.
The first thing is to avoid it by realizing how not to fall into it. By practicing conscious growth all the time we can overcome ever falling. This will feed on itself and you will never have to worry about it.
The second way is to have help to get restarted by someone such as myself who is qualified and capable to assist you. The problem is that too few realize help is available or know how to find it. It is nearly impossible to self start a self correction because you are carrying all the factors with you internally that started it in the first place and the chances of the probability curve being in your favor to present you with just exact combinations of far out right perfectly affecting stimuli and circumstances to make it happen for you on its own is as incredibly slim as winning the lottery. So the best choice is number one, the second best is number two, and whatever you do, do not wait for the third choice as it will most likely never come. I will further submit to you that because its nature is external even an extreme circumstance like a life altering even will in time leave you flat. It must come from with it and based on the most meaningful part of life involved in your initial and most basic choice, in order to be real and carry you through all that will come.
Realize you can get help now. You can take it from there. This is not something that will have to take a long time. With my treatment methods it can happen incredibly fast and take you by surprise.
Let us further analyze how this looming Psycho Social Crisis takes shape and comes to us in order to afford ourselves the best chance to head it off before it does.
Passion and joy changes and evolves from how we once experienced it in childhood, but it is always still available to us as we know and realize how we have already made the best choice and reassure ourselves by remaking it through new analysis every day. If at anytime we die or our journey is interrupted it does not matter because we were already instantly at the end of it and where we need to be at all times. Full understanding of our choice may not have come but by making the choice first all pressure associated with the journey toward understanding that choice will take us on is less relevant than the choice itself.
Imagine you are on the road to healing through psycho therapy and you know that the outcome is there waiting for you if you can just live long enough and work hard enough to do the right things to make it to where you are going. Just the overwhelming absurdity of taking that approach shows you how ineffectual it can be. I offer you a way to make the choice first and to arrive at where you are going right now. The time that follows will be what you do with it as you further come to understand it day by day and make higher evaluations and additional conscious re-making of the choice over and over again so that whenever your time is over you are always assured you are at the highest place you can possibly be. The million piece jigsaw puzzle is solved immediately through conscious perspective changes and perception but not fully seen or understood. This is the effect of the perspective shift. For the rest of your conscious existence you can spend your time looking at, examining and understanding the individual pieces.
Being passionate or joyful about something externally is great in the short term, but the external source can change or disappear and then what? Can you still feel passionate inside of you? No, if the passion and joy came from outside. That is the first key. You must understand and develop that perception in order to allow for the creation of your new perspectives which will be necessary to aid you on your forever continuing path.
How Passion and joy is slowly squelched
All children are passionate by nature in simply how they experience life with no fear until it is taught to them and they have a seemingly unending series of fearful experiences of their own. This does not need to be the way it goes. As we see from the undeveloped person by the design and allowance for it is established and bountiful within the natural design of nature and the universal things that make up our very creation and universe. Everything else from that point is composed of delusional perceptions that well up out of false notions and perspectives like a disease that is passed through all mentality and affects all people unless somehow you can develop and allow for your own immunity. Through developing new essential perspectives I can help you develop that immunity and even develop a cure for yourself even once you have already started to succumb to symptoms of the illness.
Remember why we believe this and how we can see that it will lead to understanding new perceptions that build new perspectives that will instantly change us. See and perceive and understand how it happens. If you can understand you can do it. Like children we can be full of zest and wonder however, our fear and realizations of our fragility , our impermanence and the lack of knowing for certain where we are headed or what will happen to us takes center stage and we intricately weave facilitation ideas and perspectives that will help our conscious avoid what we must face instead of confront it. The confrontation must look like this. You must realize that because of creation, and I mean any part of creation, not just you, has infinite significance as well as potential for all matter of possibilities both tragic and wonderful. Do not assume the wonderful will find you and with no help you will avoid the tragic automatically. Most importantly, do not suppress the very ideas of these things. If you do, growth will never come. Ignorance is not bliss.
Know and see that you can know nothing for certain. You cannot alter for yourself your ultimate circumstances without help. There is infinite potential for infinite pleasure and pain. You're only hope is to be lifted up and out of what you are trapped in. Your best choice to find a way to have that happen lies in either living out your days and suppressing the all consuming nightmare that is existence so that you can cope all the days of your life through the most cloaked delusion you can formulate to place over it all for you must surrender to the realization of your utter helplessness and consciously seek to find a way to fathom the highest possible reactionary choice you can make with regards to it.
You must face this as your worst possible fear and look it boldly in the face. You must accept that you understand and know that you yourself cannot change it. The failure of humans to choose to do this is the main problem with the world and everything bad can come from that one thing. You may have heard it referred to in the bible as the knowledge of good and evil. You can call it whatever you want but we have it and we can fathom it. Our choice and the meaning of life itself comes pivotally on the reaction and choice we have at that very fathoming realization. We can choose to accept it and develop to our fullest or we can choose to suppress it and try to make our way developing false notions to deceive ourselves and others in an attempt to find a way around it by an avoidance of it or just dreaming and wishing. That will never bring the desire change in the result.
The first step in our allowing the process to start rolling is to say we see this, understand this, and we accept it rather than suppressing it and prevent an ever down hill course living having made that choice. So lets say you can see what is being described here and you want to make the right choice. What is the right choice and what do you do? That is why I am here. I am hear to guide you and show you that the best choice in the face of knowing we can know nothing and can control nothing in regard to our lives and circumstances that one choice that is most crucial and is the meaning of life is to fully embrace that we can know nothing and cannot alter our outcomes by our own devising and methods ultimately.
When this is realized and the choice to see it and accept it and deal with it is made, that is the first step to rebirth. Because this choice is made for the first time so early in life on an unconscious level it is suppressed for so many of us and by the time we have a developed mind enough that we could have made a better choice later on we fail to be able to perceive clearly enough to do so. This is the ultimate tragedy of a person's life and why a Psycho Social Crisis must be avoided or turned around or we will live the rest of our days each of us one by one with no hope forever keeping our conscious dimmed just to avoid the pain in order to keep ourselves sane and get by.
The best possibility of hope through perception necessary for true perspectives necessary for growth being allowed to happen and offered to every person in the world is the main reason for the importance embracing of the sanctity of life for all. The ability to live allows for the opportunity of a conscious to gain that highest level of focus and understanding it can and then afford itself the best possible chance to make that choice in the best possible way. All of our experience now and for all time can be influenced and guided by that one choice. It must be the best possible choice and we must search for ways to allow all people to realize the significance of it.
This is my purpose in life and if you are starting to realize the significance of what I am saying you have found the right place to be. You are well able to arrive at where you need to go if you are understanding a good part of what I am saying. I can help you but you will be in charge.
Unfortunately, most people as children learn about fear only too quickly and their passion becomes closed off much to early. A scary world is not a passionate world. Some may suggest that the right combinations of stimuli and exposure to sensation ideas every designed to take you to the cusp of the edge of human perception engaging your sensibilities with a sense of growth can do the trick. It is all reactionary only though. The reaction itself will never cause the well spring to bring forth its own energy and source. This process must come from the self as a natural by product of the choice you make. The source of the passion and joy is inherent within you and your control of your perceptions and energies, as you heighten your conscious perspective and mentality. This will reveal itself through your established initial choice.
Why did this not happen the first time around for almost all of us? Look to your childhood and the childhood inevitability that so few make it past on their own. To a child who experiences life in a fearful way, they learn that they do not dare express themselves for fear of getting hurt again and again. They will grow up with minimal passion and joy because they were stripped of the very building blocks for the tools that they would have needed to use. Unless they can open the door to their conscious heightening process again and feel free enough and safe enough to openly explore the world once again it can and will be lost forever.
As adults these wounded children will seek to experience passion through their partners, which we all know is not sustainable because at that point it is only artificially created through false delusions and faulty perspectives that originate from within the realm of the dim or nonexistent human conscious which is mostly all about only the visible and obvious most primordial way of viewing. Therein perception is absolutely only two dimential and hope gets lost forever.
When a child experiences fear or uncertainty, they make misinformed assumptions that lead then to actions which have no capability to be well founded in the understood strength of proper perspectives. They are doomed from the start to yielding less than desirable results. It is only a matter of time when this path is taken. It is like throwing the darts at a dart board with a blindfold. The results are all over the place. A few lucky souls might get by since the law of probability leaned in there favor but because it was not consciously designed by he person even initial successes can fade and over take them later in life if they cannot keep up a good enough conscious pace to keep ahead of it.
When children learn to react in an attempt to protect themselves at this early stage and fail, they allow the cycle to continue and the resulting decline strengthens the effects of in-perception because the only real observable result which becomes ultimately the most desired is avoidance and escapism. Getting away with things or deceiving others and favoring avoidance and escape from punishment or negative ramifications while gaining pleasures and benefits from what they want becomes their sole focus. This allows for a huge creation of undesirable dishonorable people which ultimate one day take the world in that same direction.
Most, generally don’t see it this way. When a child or even an older person in society acts out, people only see deliberate acting out and unknowingly punish their children and adults likewise for what ultimately is nothing more than misunderstood and unresolved fears resulting in improper actions.
The Effects of Maturing on Passion and Joy
It does not help that mainstream society prefers that people act a certain way, talk a certain way, and look a certain way in order to be accepted and/or loved. All children are eventually indoctrinated into some form of society where they are pressured and shaped to fit in. Ultimately a life is worth nothing more to society as a whole than another brick in the wall that can be made to serve only its physical purpose alone and never anything more. People come to be placed in these positions and believe that is all they are worth and they then become worth only that for real eventually. The process is vicious but also almost inconceivable. It becomes completely inconceivable to an undeveloped conscious and dim mentality. A Psycho Social Crisis is fully formed.
It is the rare few who can fully throw off and move past such restrictions and truly feel free to be themselves in all environments.
Passion and joy searching expands and also becomes more complicated during puberty to include sexual feelings and exploration. Teenagers are completely ignorant and taken by surprise as to how to handle and what to do with this newfound energy.
It is necessary and beneficial to come to see and understand how the manifestations of inner ignorance and confusion effect their external struggles with their parents and others. When they feel the pressure to fit in, their self-development becomes more confusing than ever. Add to that parrent’s pressure and many boiling points are reached. There is not much ration sounding guidance in this area for the world’s young adults. It is mostly chemical and unless well founded that will always win out over logic during this time.
The fear and insecurity at this time spikes and unless they have been equipped with enough early tools and conscious understanding and perspectives to shape and deal with the new perceptions and mentality they will require to develop, they will start to turn away from hope of ever increasing their conscious and turn inward and downward and to also all eternal stimulants and ideas to distract their minds and bodies. This will lead to rapid psycho social crises in all of them and unless treated it will define them along with their decline and the form is takes all the days of there remaining lives.
Most parents do not see how they add to the problem, thinking that they are only offering solutions. Yet parents guide their children to be more like them, for better or worse, essentially de-emphasizing the value of being unique and thinking for oneself. This further complicates things as they manifest it in ways that allow more and more gravitation to the things offered from other individuals as well even if ran after from a sense do spite or rebellion. Now they become saddles with thee socials ills and real mental health ills and even physical ills that come from the acceptance indoctrination of all manner of harmful choices.
As teens turn into young adults, these subconscious fears are well imbedded in their psyches, building up more and more until at some point, sooner or later, this pressure will give way internally. At that point it becomes a struggle for survival and an inevitable point that the social psycho crisis will gain total control and take over.
The perceived lack of passion and joy in reality is the lack of passion within oneself and for oneself but more important the complete and utter lack of the understanding of how that choice you made when you realized you could know nothing for certain and had no chance to affect the outcome of anything on your own helped you to make that choice. Did you reach out and realize your vulnerability and needs that lay outside of you? Did you embrace a conscious awareness of what you let step into fill that void. At this point it does not matter whether you choose to utilize descriptive words we can all agree on of how we define that choices welcoming bit many have called it being born again, accepting Jesus into your life, Conscious embracing of the powers of the universe, belief in a creator and service to it, etc. The list goes on and on but if you got to the point that you knew you were helpless and were truly understanding of this than you made the choice to realize the true nature of yourself and your place in creation. From this point you have allowed for real and true growth. Now how you will be encouraging it become the only question. You can easily deal with one simple question. When you get life simplified to this extreme extent you have a great chance to succeed in whatever you set your mind to.
Will you still fall for every idea because of the inherent pleasures it can bring to you while you are riding out your time here? I would suggest t this is where the error comes in again for its second punch and eventual knock out. No. Stop. You must continually analyst and requisition and make the choice to continually elevate that same choice to higher and higher new levels constantly and for all time through out your exist and for the duration of you're remaining time. The use of your energies cannot be spent looking for temporary false joys and pleasure that you indulge in that take you away from your needed focus.
You must continually find a way to allow for all that you do to continually be a cyclical innate heightening and building process for you just as everything that the majority of people the ones experiencing Psycho Social Crisis do it their own regular detriment for all time. Your growth must continue every day and you must see even the pleasures and the pains you derive from all things as teaching tools and lessons to help guide you through to conscious growth in all things and forever. Even faulty old perspectives you still have not perceived fully that can hold you down must be studied and fully understood and realized for what they are.
Even if you go through a life and the choices that come with it, are shown to be incredibly difficult to endure it seems near impossible. Even if the results of your choices leave lasting scars and negative ramifications in your life that may feel to you will take more than a life time to over turn and reverse no matter the difficulty of the path you choice if you are on that initial right choice path first and for most and hold stead fast to it you will get through and persevere and arrive when you need to. I cannot tell you what the right choice is remember. I have already told you I know nothing. The right choice is up to you I only know that you must make it with the highest possible conscious.
The questions the come from not how, whether you made the right choice or not. You made that long ago the question is now how long will it take to arrive at the understanding and true revealing of the entirety of the meaning of that choice as it takes hold of your very existence and guides all things in you. The question is not will you continue it in the positive direction you have started but how slow or fast will you go? How many things from your choices both before and after your decision to make this most valuable choice will hold you down and pull on your potential for exponential acceleration and growth. The choices you make after the efforts one and even residue left of from the ones you made before it is our nothing but your tarnished housing which once held you fully that you are now emerging from. You are coming out of a dark unaware state into a heightened conscious reality and that process will keep you alive and self maintain itself once you get it started. A body in motion tends to stay in mouthing a body at rest tends to stay at rest.
You are responsible for determining the state of your being and direction. The speed of motion is irrelevant. If you are heading in the direction that is the best direction from your highest conscious choice it is the right direction and you need to know that with in you even from that first choice you hold all the keys and foundational elements necessary to allow for the entirety of the choice at that very moment. The unfolding and wonder and new joy potential that can come from the enhanced perception down ever increasing self guiding conscious are the rewards that will come from that making of the tone initial choice. One day you will understand it to the level that we are talking about now. Hopefully that day coming starts today.
The potential is as limitless for that point to come as it is as to how you will go and where you will go but remember you got to there by realizing how limited it truly is and that you can know nothing. So your power comes from what everyone has and that is nothingness. It is best to accept this and starter because we can always count on it and it will never change. That is why it is the most basic building block of the ability to perceive and make the choices which is the culmination of e the very essence of the meaning of life.
If you really want to experience passion and joy, you must realize the source can only be your reaction to the choice you made initially. It is you being at peace with yourself and loving yourself. It is you loving being who you are, exactly as you are right now if you know you made the right choice. There is such joy in loving all of your qualities because you then feel free to fully and completely express yourself, unencumbered by the fears of how you will be perceived by others.
This inner freedom allows you to be spontaneous, to have fun, to fully experience life. It is not that you become a child again, but that you allow yourself to have the freedom of full expression. To understand this better, watch a toddler or a child at play, when they are not in fear. They are completely unaware of who is watching them or how somebody might perceive them. They are fully absorbed in what they are doing. That is the essence that has passion and joy built into it. That is natural. Avoidance of a Psycho Social Crisis can offer you opportunities for observance and guidance by real things of true value and worth.
All you need to do is to perceive and come to understand what has been shown here and you have begun. As you go I can help provide building blocks and tools you can use which allow for self sustainment of growth once again.