You have a need to feel safe and you would probably be surprised how much you and everyone else is willing to compromise in order to do so.
It appears that the human experience has largely evolved into one where many people do all that they possibly can to assure themselves of safety. The number of ways in which that appears in our lives is something that we need to bring into our awareness so that we can change our perspectives to more realistic ones. Having more realistic perceptions will not solve the problem of feeling safe in fact, at first it will worsen the problem but in the end we will come to see there are such larger problems that our limited perspectives that we currently have regarding this will be no big deal.
Much of our need to feel safe is hidden underneath in our subconsciousness but almost everyone exercises every trick they know of on a regular basis to recharge their safety meters. We make many assumptions that contribute to how we perceive the world around us.
We are wired to serve first the urge to survive and maintain our safety. We are led to believe by our own bodies and minds that we are safe, when the opposite is more true.
We do however do things that can make us even more unsafe than we actually already are and I would like to help with those areas for a moment. If you were to look at every conflict you have ever been in, at every emotional reaction that you have ever had, at every hurt that you have ever felt, you would soon realize through study and analyzation that you reacted the way you did because of your need to feel safe. Don't feel bad everyone is this way and it makes sorting out the matter and perceiving well enough to create new perspectives that much more difficult.
Making Assumptions and Creating Meaning
You are quite with in your rights to feel a lack of trust of your fellow man. In most cases he will choose his safety and own good over yours. Few subscribe to the golden rule. When you feel unsafe, then fear starts to grow and we can not have that so we suppress it however we suppress it artificially and that is much of the problem. The feelings of safety we establish for ourselves lie in false illusions perpetrated by ourselves and others that multiply and make more complex the logic until no longer serves you well. If we do not fully understand ourselves and more importantly, what subconscious motivators we have for our behaviors, we end up making assumptions based on our fears and then things go really aerie. If we have no fears we're indeed fooled an unrealistic but how can we have fear, how can we allow it to make us realistic and healthy but still live with it? This is what we should be asking not how do we avoid it and suppress it.
We have assumed throughout all of our lives that what we have been taught, that what we understand is true. Yet it is only based on the meaning that previous humans have passed on to us. That meaning is tainted beyond all recognition.
We are taught to give meaning to everything as we grow, yet we effectively question so little of it. Our fears slowly build up from childhood onwards, adding a little bit each day causing us to rely more and more on the tactics we use to suppress it instead of dealing with it. Over time we combine the meanings that we have been taught with more fear, which further limits our ability to clearly perceive things. The result is that our automatic response is to make false assumptions, based on impossibly difficult to analyze data from others and end up erroneously believing that we are protecting ourselves against perceived dangers when we are really just pacifying ourselves in order to get through life with some sanity and calm.
The Role of Assumptions in Conflict
People are so worried about starving or being robbed or killed etc that they totally forget to realize what horrors may lie after life or how not fully consciously perceiving our meaning of life is day by day. This can cause us to waste away our purpose. These things we should be worried about. Things you can do something about but fail to do something are the things you should be concerning you self with.
Why worry about being robbed or killed. What can you do about that? You might not even see it coming why invest energy i the preparation. Be prepared only in the sense that you know you have no control and ultimate what we have and the number of days we live is irrelevant. What matters is what we do with the consciousness and time we are given. That would be the tragedy if something happened to it.
Conflict can not be always avoided but you can try to live peaceably with others and not enraging others needlessly and not being overwhelmed by the things they do that can not hurt you unless you allow the perception you have to be less than it needs to be regarding what you feel has happened to you in the form of damage.
The person that you feel is hurting you in some way may or may not have an intention to hurt you. You must do what you can to shift your perspectives so you can best realize the insignificance of the hurt you experience and the perspectives of it must be proper in order to accomplish this end. You need not heighten your conscious perception before something happens to you so that when it does you are ready to let the potential pain that would have been there had you not been prepared, just roll off your back.
Changing Your Response with our new perspectives and perceptive ability
Step one is being willing to acknowledge that you do not know what the true meaning is behind another person’s behaviors. Step two would be the ability to accurately record and perceive damage. Do not be fooled into feeling loss and pain that you could have avoided simply because your perspectives were so shallow and self serving so as to allow you to feel pain that was unnecessary. The next step is to put your focus back on yourself and how much unlimited potential you have in spite of the minor irritations you are experiencing.
The Road to Peace and Safety
The next time you think you are in conflict, remind yourself that you are not under attack by the other person if you take away the ability for your self to be fooled into feeling pain and loss due to those actions. The only real attack comes from your mind erroneously thinking in a way that is beneath your true capabilities and being caught up in trivial things that do not matter nearly as much as we think. We are always looking for new tools in our growth and this is a very powerful one.
You may find you still have to deal with the other person but now you can do so with clearer thinking and with little or no pain. Ask the other person what is happening for them. If they get angry ask them why they are angry. What is it that they became afraid of in that moment? How are they not feeling safe? Look for what assumption they might be making in that moment, without judging them for it.
The next time you go into emotional reaction ask yourself what you can do to make myself realize I am over emphasizing the pain and turmoil I allow to come from the actions of others right now? What assumption is this based on? What fear is underneath this faulty perception that I have? How can I quickly shift my perspective so that what is occurring I can see beyond in an instant? You need to develop the ability to alter perspective in real time. With practice you will be able to do this. When you are capable to do this, you can help the other person find better perspectives as well or at least that their dishonorable attempt to lash out at you perhaps completely disarming the potential conflict.
This perspective is intended to give you a new perception tool tweak ability to quickly alter your perception to an option previously could not focus on because of fear of pain that you let in in your efforts to place values on and protect things that are either not worth protecting or can not be protected anyway.
This is something that you do want to try at home, at work, in public, anywhere that you are. Questioning everything and taking on the position that you do not know the meaning behind what you see and hear is the key to your growth and to reaching peace of mind as is realizing no one has power over you and what is important but only over your life.
When you walk in a manner where all the affairs in your life are in a state of very high resolution at all times it would not matter if you were taken away. Your conscious had already accomplished your task. Your choice had already been made. You are ready to go if needed. If you know you have further to go then perhaps you should be fearful and protect yourself but I want to assure you with the proper perspective you can change as you need to and get where you need to in a very short order. The understand of it may take a lot longer but that is why you must reach out immediately and cause immediate change. There will be time later to realize what it all means.
Do not fear those that can take your life. Fear those that can take your soul. You should feel very unsafe around them indeed, and by al means, but when you realize just how absolutely unsafe you and every member of the human race actually is at every given second and how vulnerable to real pain you are you can easily develop the tools necessary to resolve and avoid unnecessary pain and effectively over come all those that mean you harm . The key is in perceiving the total lack of value of your falsely gathered old perspectives prove easy to discard and throw away.