So many people have so many debilitating scars from left over issues from their past that have contributed to a false notion and perception that they must have diminished value somehow. These scars and perceptions deepen and become more pronounced as people go through life and experience pain from the ramifications associated with their flawed perceptions which is really what the scars are made of in the first place.
Some people end up having such limited boxed in beliefs and false ways of tricking themselves into thinking they can only have value if they are a good parent, provider, employee, or do what society values etc. and are viewed only as a two demential thing that others desire to see. Why should one have to look to others for praise. That is exactly what this limited and shallow way of perception delivers and why it confines people to narrow ways of living and delivers extensive negative ramifications and problems that exponentially pile up and further complicate every aspect of their lives as long as they live, unless the cycle is broken. The cycle can only be broken by perception and motivation. Once these two things are gained it is inevitable that the problem will be corrected and requires very little work but only the energy that flows from the enlightenment itself.
Thomas Jefferson said that discontent is the necessary ingredient of progress but what he left out was that a good perspective and clarified uniquely elevated perception is the necessary ingredient to "Positive" progress. The common thread is that a person’s value either doesn't exist or exists outside of them. Both of these are wrong but you can not be on your way to help until you are helped to understand why and given the tools and perceptions to realize what is actually happening and apply what you have learned toward your own situation and rework all your previous thoughts until the new you emerges exemplifying the new understanding that came from the perception adjustment. Other welcomed byproducts will be a heightened conscious perception redevelopment and mentality that you did not have before which will aid you with solving new problems in the same way it aided you in solving this basic first foundational problem that you had to initially overcome in order to seek help and allow for it to come.
In order to understand and overcome we need to look at the problem and analyze it in order to understand which will provide the needed correction in an automatic way. Motivation is what helped us to do this in the first place but we leave motivation there. Once it is done motivation is no longer required because the new vision itself will provide all that you need for motivation. It is automatic from that point on. That is why most of my counsel is perspective and perception based. When you have that right everything else falls easily into place.
Regarding your perspective flaw that has left you with a low self value perception based outside of yourself- Let's look at how when your value is external there are things that can happen to you that can totally strip that away instantly. That should immediately alert you to its limits and the wrongness of elevation of such a volatile thing to a primary place and foundation in your life. What happens when your children grow up or if you lose a child, if you don’t need to provide for somebody anymore, you change or lose your job, get fired, or retire, etc? What happens when life changes and you are not prepared for it because you have always determined your value based on some external source? It falls apart. See, that is why it is wrong and limited.
A true real self value would withstand anything for all time and through all circumstance. Real self value would not have limits or parameters that would need to be created and maintained. It would not be vulnerable from damage from everything under the sun. Your initial and ongoing inability to realize this is exactly what was needed to allow for the problems you allowed to develop. For in that persistent void everything else developed. With the realization the void needs to exist no longer. All that is left is for you to realize how the void effected everything in your life and allow the reverse effects to come in and nullify the results and start taking you in the opposite direction. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. All you need to do is allow for a new perception to come through understanding and new visualization of the opposite reaction of your action and then apply it right on top of your circumstances and they will change instantly.
To understand and create the tools needed to visualize and create your new perspectives that you will utilize to lift yourself to your new state of being you must consider and understand the entirety of the situations that allow people to fail initially so that you can reverse the effects. You will do this by your studying of all that I help you with here and if you need individual counsel I will provide that in addition.
Consider how many people have ultimately determined their self value based on how they think other people perceive them. They knock themselves out trying to project things that may or may not be of their own make up just for the sake of coming off with a better chance of being more highly favored or feeling better about themselves. This is nothing more than an artificial disguise like wearing a costume or mask. It is false partly or mostly at best. What's worse, the external value you worked so hard to create and project is not only at the mercy of changes in life, but also at the mercy of what you think other people think of you as well. Given that you feel little value to begin with, it is inevitable that you will misinterpret what you think others think of you, contributing to the perception of your low value you initially suspected you had.
Then there are those who cannot find any sense of value at all, or it may come in bits and pieces, but the overall experience can lead to one of emptiness, unbearable sadness, depression, and hopelessness that come with feeling that you have little or no value. This lack of value is not just an empty space unfortunately. That would be easy to deal with by filling in positive things. In comparison to the feeling of negative self worth lack of feeling no worth is actually better. The self hatred, anger, and shame can become all that you know. We must ask ourselves where those feelings came from and how did they develop? We are not born with them we are born full of life, curiosity, and desire to learn and experience everything. We inherently felt our own value, bursting with self worth. So what goes wrong and is unconsciously allowed to grip and take over that wonderful state in the cases of those who have low self worth?
Development of Self-Value
As we grew from babies to toddlers to small children, the plethora of all the tangible manifestations of the limits and ills of others started to fill our minds and grab ahold of our reactions and perceptions. We were constantly structured and encouraged to conform and fit in and ultimately to stop being who we naturally were supposed to be. One by one according to our circumstance and limited personal abilities to cling to our own perseverance limits we fell victim to the faulty perceptions and influences of others.
Many more unexplained limitations were placed on us than ones that were designed by those who took the trouble to offer encouragement and explanations. Our curiosity got thwarted regularly by those not worthy or capable to help in a positive manner but yet surrounded us everywhere we went. In addition many people were unjustly punished, some severely. As each of us succumbed to our own limits of tolerance and were not yet equipped with enough life experience or self sustained inner conscious, we reduced our natural desire to want to learn and were forced to embraced this scarred world and as we surrendered desire and hope our brains rapidly became filled with all all manner of harmful ideas and notions from the ills of others.
As we came to anticipate and expect perceived pain as a normal and frequent consequence for normal self expression we gradually adapted our outward actions to mirror those that would illicit only what we sought even though the reflection was not genuinely of ourselves. We gradually became so indoctrinated into what we were then projecting that we forgot what we originally were meant to be as the source of our own unique personality was cut off.
As we travel in this way through life, other negative experiences added to these bad feelings about ourselves as the cycle continued relentlessly and our ability to reconnect with who we were meant to be was never realized and seemed lost for ever. The good news is that once this is realized and the cycle is discontinued you can unlearn what you have learned and tap into those initially stifled raw elements that make up the real you and start to have them retake the positions of prominence in your life that they at one time had surrendered. They are still there and very natural and unique. They are just lost and buried deeply. They will naturally reemerge if given the chance. The chance comes from a heightened conscious that only you can provide and only through the application of a new equal and opposite perspective and understanding that will allow for it to be achieved. The motivation was what caused you to initially desire to look but that small amount of motivation will be all that is ever needed as the perspective and developed new perception you transfer over to, will do the rest for you.
Most are so unaware of the sheer volume of negative messages in our subconscious. Only a small percentage makes it into our actual working consciousness but that is more than enough. We still look for pleasure and worth in those vastly damaged wasteland areas which make no sense and find only the rewards and satisfactions offered to us that are allowed as long as we serve the system and do not buck the trends or make waves. And you wonder why you can feel so emotionally overwhelmed and with out substantial reward? Capitalism and the notions associated with the republican ideology of trickle down economics is a good real world model to understand this type of system when you apply its definitions and parameters to the psyche and that of society as a whole.
We need to go a little further back to understand our parent’s behaviors in order to understand ours. Regardless of how good, bad or neutral your upbringing was, the one thing that can be said for all parents is that they did the best they could, given the tools that had, and the circumstances that they were in. That was the best that they were able to do back then, with how little they understood themselves and their own behaviors and the behaviors of society in general. Maybe it was not even the best. Maybe they never tried at all. Who is to say. But we must move on regardless and allow ourselves the permission to do so first and foremost.
We are of a generation where personal growth has become much more important. Years ago many of these concepts that are regularly available now were unknown to most. Parents raised their children in the same way that they were raised, hopefully with at least some improvement in parenting techniques, but unfortunately not in all situations. Suffice it to say that for better or worse, your parents raised you in the best way that they knew how. That is just not good enough. Every person must still throw all of it out and learn again. Even the best well adjusted person can improve and should improve. Imagine how much more a person who is terrifically maladjusted can benefit from doing the same.
Many people aren’t even aware of how they were affected as a child. Their perspectives and understandings are just too limited. That is where my counsel comes in. I find that many think back and feel that they had a good childhood and good parents. I do as well but only nostalgically and realize there is so much more. The mind has a habit of discarding the bad things and polishing your memories so that you can have a fighting chance at self psychotherapy and self value unconsciously up to a certain point through this type of natural reaction of the mind. In our difficult world many times this is just not enough and we need to realize that we have allowed our minds to do this. The real situation is that there was darkness and perceptual limitations looming over us the entire way throughout our lives even if we perceived our lives as good. Yes, even in that seemingly good situation that many feel they had, many were left with internal messages that left them with no sense of self-esteem or self value.
The Process of Change
The bottom line is that it really does not matter what the exact nature was of how we came to be the way we are. The primary focus needs to be finding what those conscious or unconscious messages are that are in our psyches right now. How do each of you, individually see yourselves? What are those messages and then how do you change them? What do you replace them with and how do you do it?
Before we jump further into this discussion, a word of warning. Nothing will change if you are not willing to change some deep ingrained beliefs and judgments. Do you want to be right and blind or do you want to be realistic and see? It may take you some time to adjust to new ideas and beliefs about yourself, but if you reject them outright or do not allow for the process of perspective change, you will not change because your conscious and perceptions will not allow it.
It is important to bear in mind that you do not have to be smart for growth to come only willing. You use your intellect to help in the process, but this is a deeply emotional, psychological, and physiological transition through alternative perspective application. It is very much like regaining some lost aspects of how you were as a child, however then you must begin again.
Increasing Self Awareness Objectively
Self awareness and self honesty is a great place to begin. Let's face it, most of us are not naturally beautiful or talented. When you in addition, then consider all the damaging effects that your chosen and long traveled path has further added onto who you have become from the damaging effects and scars we have gained through traveling the road of life with our crippled notions we are going to most likely find ourselves, out of shape mentally and physically and many times down right ugly specimens, that may seem to have little of little redemptive qualities. This is why you have no self worth and why with out change that would be where you stay. You have made it that way and you can change or elect to keep it that way.
Your outward focus of being concerned with how the rest of the world perceives you needs to be turned inwards. You need to view your lacks and your pluses accurately and maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks. You will instantly become the best person you can be, given the deplorable condition you may find yourself in but you will not stay there. You will only start from there. When you change your habits and perspectives the only way you will be going is up and forward renewed and with limitless potential.
How do you really perceive yourself? What are the actual thoughts you think about yourself, especially around others? Are you afraid of saying what you really feel? Do you even know what that really is or find any value in it or realize it? Is what you have to say just something that will come out when you move your mouth and because there is no value in it everything you say and think will fall flat? Of course it is worthless. I am not going to tell you that you are not worthless. You indeed are worthless but only in your current limited state.
My counsel will show you that you do not have to be as you are and how you can cease being worthless and find the inner worth buried with in. Do you realize that you have no value because you have voluntarily abandoned the source that you would have found value from? That source is the real you but because you have suppressed it and allowed it to become utterly worthless until it has nothing to offer you, and thus nothing valuable can come out of your mouth or from your actions. It is all just a mess and you know it and you are stifled and feel hopeless.
What fears do you have when you interact with other people? Do you want them to see you in a certain way? Use your answers as clues to what is missing in you. Are you looking for acceptance, recognition, love, attention, etc? What form of rejection does your fear look like for you and why do you keep finding that same kind? This may not be easy for you to hear but it is because you are clinically insane from a certain point of view. One of the general definitions of insanity is to continually do the same things yet expect different results. This is exactly what you have done through your whole life. You have essentially spent your entire life in a state of insanity. This ins a place that is held captive by a dull conscious must give rise to the new perspective and heightened conscious awaiting you.
Make a list with this information or just study yourself and see what thoughts, feelings, and physiological reactions you have. All three aspects give you a lot of information.
As you gather this kind of information about yourself, it is essential to remain an objective observer of who you currently perceive and understand yourself to be.
It is possible that as you look at yourself more honestly, it will bring up more fear and self-judgment and stop this process in its tracks. To avoid this, is the added purpose of my personal counsel. You may not initially know the value of what you are gathering as you formulate your new perspective and you don’t know what to do with it or how to apply it. I can help you with that.
Fear of Conflict as an Example
As you compile your honest list of what you observe about yourself, you are really gathering up clues as to what you need to work on. This information also gives you clues as to the direction in which you need to go to start the work. For example, lets look at one of the forms of rejection, the fear of conflict. This is a good example because we can unravel it into its separate components. A fear of conflict is made up many things and you are now again just an infant and ill equipped in your weakened vulnerable state to handle anything well. My counsel will help you navigate through pitfalls during this temporary vulnerable stage.
Fear of Conflict can stop you from clearly expressing what you feel, need, and want.
You perhaps incorrectly feel that the other person has some sort of value that you do not have. Regardless if this is true or not your self devaluation continues to make you act as if it is true. Therefore you are the one allowing their voice to be assumed as more valued than yours. This must stop and there is an easy way to see that it happens.
Lets look at what beautifully designed practical and clear expression can do to serve you. You have not had the opportunity to develop this as of yet or many times conflict would not have to exist in the first place. You have a right to express yourself. The person receiving that information has the right to do what they want with the information they receive. They also have the right to express themselves and you have the right to do what you want with the information you receive and the cycle continues.
The more intelligent person with the highest conscious and perception will ultimately win because the more intelligent person understand and knows the value of welcoming and considering all matter of ideas fully without ever feeling as though they must accept any of them. This one unique quality that few realize will elevate the conscious to the level where eventually they have been able to learn all the very same things you have, dismissed all that is ineffectual or not relevant and additionally add to the mix all the value of the things they brought with them. This advantage will decide that the more well equipped person will be the winner every time.
This type of intelligence is not intelligence based on ability to think but based on the ability to think with out restrictions and from the elevation of mentality and conscious that comes to you in so doing. From the place of this heightened conscious you have afforded for yourself you will be able to make high level designs that will serve you and bring value to your self over that previously known to you and over the level of any and all that come to you. You will be able to allow yourself the ability to master all that any others bring to you and then add on to that in every new situation and with all new parties. You will never be without an answer because in addition to the answers gained and learned from each new party coupled with your own ever expanding material and analytic capabilities you will always have more than the collective from what both parties have brought to the table. That will always surge you ahead of those you are up against. You begin with self worth and gain more through every single thing you do and think from this moment on.
So many times we really are not clear on what it is that we really want to communicate and that can be limiting for us so communications skills are must as is the commitment to your value. As you meet with and learn to see through others who are now doing exactly what you used to do you will come to easily see so many of their hidden agendas that they thought they had well covered up. Nope, not from a heightened conscious, things do not stay hidden for long.
Soon you will be on your way to being over many of the others you will come into contact with who speak without thinking, in an automatic way and give their weaknesses away with every word they utter and every action they display. To the dim conscious, even perceptions regarding listening in an untuned ways can create assumptions about what is said by either side. We need to become clearer on how we hear, what we are saying as well as hearing what is being said to us.
We will come to see in ourselves and others the obviousness of the many ways in which people attempt manipulation of other people while attempting to keep hidden what they really want, or feel to protect their own safety and limits. When we do this ourselves we can come to see how limited this makes us as we can only ask for what we want in a convoluted way.
Yet people more intuitive and consciously aware people can pick up on subtle behaviors that leak through. Subconsciously even an untrained person has some ability to sense when something is off, through body language, tone of voice, choice of words, etc. This lack of clarity and conscious or subconscious subterfuge contribute to what eventually leads to a lack of ability to have a true conflict resolution. We don’t trust one another because the established patterns do not have clear communication and clear focus. From there it is best to accept what is lost or can not be gained and move on and try again in a new way with a new subject. Press reset.
Motivation for Change
We many times come from a place of not believing in ourselves enough to seek out that form of clarity. In fact, most people, even knowing what their options are, will avoid applying new perspectives and alternatives, because it becomes easier for them to just avoid the unknown, which is more fearful than that which they already know and are comfortable with. This is why more do not ask for help. This leads to what I call the "House of cards syndrome." If left unchecked a persons identity and self perception can become so volatile that it can come tumbling down like a house of cards if they so much as even consider an idea outside of their own. This is the exact equal and opposite definition we spoke of before of true intellidgence and is what I call a complete and total psycho social crisis where in a person is completely incapable of further self growth without a life changing catastrophe occurring that demands it. In the absence of that ever happening they somehow manage to get through life, not feeling good when conflict happens, even if it happens on a regular basis and they formulate a thicker and more protective defensive outer shell that so that in ever worsening circumstances, their perceptions can continually makes them feel that they are protecting themselves. Unfortunately they do this to everything equally even to their own detriment of not being able to accept and recognize a true benefit even from helpful and good things are presented to them by those who love and care for them.
It is a catch-22 where there are just enough good times to offset the bad times to cause one to not bother doing the work to change. Being right is the the new substitute payoff and becomes the foundation for all things for that conscious. They get to be right about the other person being the problem if they strengthen their own perception enough or falsify it or do what ever they have to do to achieve the means to an end that thy need to keep their house of cards intact.
Now, how many of you instantly went into thinking that if the other person isn’t the problem, am I saying that they are? There is no problem, really at all. Only perceptions and negative behavioral patterns to sort through that offer no way of ever benefiting you with out adjustment. It does not even matter what the topic of discussion ever was. It could be meaningless and not even worthy of discussion or the essence of the understanding of the highest problems of man the content of the discussion is never as relevant as the underlying things guiding it that are the motivations and conscious of each of the two individuals involved. That is ultimately all that matters.
If you do the comparison blame game, you will not learn and grow. This is not about comparison, blame, good, bad, indifferent, this is about do you or don’t you want to change your circumstances? Then put your focus on yourself in order to create better experiences. It is all about being motivated and intuitive enough to come to see and understand enough to be willing to create and adopt a perspective shift that nullifies the old and prepares for the new.
Practicing Self Awareness
Practice becoming more honest with yourself about what you really want to say, why you say it the way you do, notice the fears, how you choose your words to try and get certain results, as well as the real intention behind your words. Remember what we have talked about here and continually apply it. Cease operating as you have. And the moment you realize you are have preset flags in your conscious that you designed to go up to alert you to this. Alter your approach immediately upon noticing each flag. Remember if you go on the same way and expect different results even in a fraction of what you do you are clinically insane in at least that regard. Flush it all out. Apply an equal and opposite to the entire perception of you not just to part of it.
Make note of each and every conversation you have, even the ones with yourself. Are you really being as honest as you can be? Can you identify any fears that are underneath how you say things and what you choose to say? Can you feel yourself change to please others or to avoid conflict? What exactly are you afraid of? Become hyper analytical.
Pursue a New You Through True Self Value
Safely Balancing Yourself
So far, you have been practicing observing yourself with a greater level of self-honesty than before, becoming more aware of what your fears and judgments are. Anything that takes your focus off of staying in a state of the new perception you are building will knock you off balance. Do not allow it.
Your ultimate goal will be to become so about this new way and the understanding of it that it completely overcomes the old way and you lose track of it as yo see how non effectual it once was and becomes ancient history.
During this early stage, you must remain safe but how can this happen when you are so vulnerable? You must understand how no one is safe but that safety is only an illusion that you must discard. Doing this will allow you the ability to move forward and grow.
Understanding Self-Value Better
Your level of self-value is in direct proportion to your level of self-awareness. Self awareness as well as awareness of all other things comes form the ability to afford yourself the ability to nature and obtain a heightened conscious that will increase your perception and mentality.
You must realize how vulnerable you are and that that will never change now since you have started out having already lost all you have nothing to lose. Know that you can know nothing. Know that those who you go up against can know nothing but they just do not know it yet. See them as on par with you even though they do not. You already start out in your lack of knowing in a better place then they are. You have leveled the playing field instantly by the realization of that one thing. That first powerful tool will be your foundation. I assure you that few you will encounter will ever have this tool in their arsenal. In-fact if they did the chances are there would not even be a conflict in the first place.
Because you realize how little you have and how little you know you are superior over those who think they know and feel superior superficially because of that. You take your first step already ahead of all others. You feel superior to others but the very power from that feeling comes from knowing you are not.
With in this simple truth lies the foundation for the framework which will automatically build itself as you go through your life from this point on. Each unique circumstance that you encounter will propel you forward instead of hold you down.
When you have true self-value, you recognize value in others and immediately suck it up and benefit as you spit out and discard anything that is worthless. You gain the ability to walk through the world and gain worth from all pell things and ideas and allow yourself true protection from all ills that would have consumed your former self.
Self-value comes from the ability to fathom the infinite as to all the extents and possible meanings of who you are other than what you currently believe about yourself. Self-value is the education of ones self with an open mind, hungry for knowledge, and needing change above and beyond anything else.
Self-value is a quiet strength, a knowing, yet a willingness to recognize when one is wrong, but always a welcoming spirit that seeks new ways to grow and guide you in the future.
Self-value is questioning everything: what others say, what your own beliefs are, what you hear, read and see.
Self-value is not feeling doubt from what you question, but using the knowledge you gather to constantly better yourself.
Self-value is hearing the opinions of others and then using what you hear to understand that person better, not to question the validity of who you are or win some war with each person you go up against in an effort to place and then display some new feather in your cap.
Remember you have benefited greatly from that first step of knowing nothing but you still and always will know nothing. Never allow yourself to feel as if you know anything. Your ego can make you feel as though you are going forward when you are really not. Become the superhero with your new found powers, not the super villain.
Self-value is fully understanding that the world, your existence in it. As you become more inward focused, your vision expands outward to see more of what is happening around you. As you become more self aware the abilities you gain flow over to all other aspects of your life. You become far more aware of all events around you and can utilize them for real positive help. The tendency at this point for a person who is not noble or downright immoral is to utilize what they have gained for artificial gains and joys at the cost of others. This may initially seem rewarding but it will lead you down a road of emptiness ultimately and you will lose all that you will have gained. Remember absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So you are beginning to see hopefully that what you may originally have viewed of as selfish needs for your self and own glorification will turn into true ability to help others. The results of your efforts go into many different directions at the same time, giving you the results you seek as well as much more in positive ways that you can only begin to imagine.
This should help you understand on a deeper level what you are striving for. Create a foundation that is so strong it cannot be shaken but that is because it is founded in the truth that nothing can be known. Faith alone is all that our inferior perceptions and limitations as mankind we were ever truly able to have and thrive because of. The attempt to know and stand on that knowledge is fruitless and destructive not only to your selves but ultimately toward all of civilization. As you learn the positives in fixing these ills in your self you will not be able to help the desire from coming to you to spend your energies and time helping all others fix everything else because ultimately the fate of the entire world actually does hang in the balance and it all begins with you.
This seems impossible but it is completely logical. If you look up some models os infiniteness that can be found on the computer you can easily come to see how while you are living you genuinely and logically have this power. All that you lack is the initial motivation to want to see it and the perspective necessary to afford yourself the perception to see it and you will be on your way.
Absolutely every quality that you have, that you do not like about yourself not only has the reverse side, but it exists within you right now. If you cannot see it, it is because you are primarily focused on the negative side. Simply the act of taking your focus off of what you do not like starts the process of the pieces turning over on their own. My counsel is only there to help you to see that. You will be going your own way once you have.
Another way to see your puzzle pieces is dark versus bright, or heavy versus light. With judgment and fear you feel dark inside, there is no light and there is little air to breath. With the reverse, the brightness seeps in on its own and new possibilities make you buoyant. When you have judgments and fears, you feel heavy, as if you are carrying a burden. With the reverse, you are at least neutral and then momentum starts lifting you up, as if on a bubble of air.
When you feel yourself in fear, judgment, or in emotional reaction, stop the reaction as soon as you can. How easy that is to do depends on the strength of the emotion. It is easier to stop a train going 1 mph than it is to stop one that is going 100 mph in reality but with the mind all things are possible and can be instantaneous. Reach out with the mind first and all things will become possible and tangible. If you have enough faith to believe this you can move mountains. The limits are not actually there but only the perceptions of ones you continually allow.
Stop your normal actions and reactions by acknowledging to yourself that you are actually having one. Erect mental sign posts for reminders made out of equal and opposite perspectives. An emotional reaction is your response to the fear of getting hurt.
Do not allow yourself to be right and justify and accept the hurt as normal and warranted.
The Process of Redefinition
Redefine the hurt that you felt. The hurt is from your past from others or what you allowed others to do by giving them power over you? Your current limited reaction now is only a worthless defense mechanism which you created to stop yourself from being hurt in the same way yet again. If you don’t fully believe this right away it doesn’t matter, tell yourself you do and act as if you do. Reach out for the unperceived until it materializes in front of you and you can physically grasp it.
The practice of faith makes real things happen. The process of attempting to control the unseen eventually makes unseen things tangible and then things happen.
Use anger fear and other things that are normally ineffectual at rendering positive results and continually remember that the person you are considering knows nothing. All the voices that told you this in your past will answer. They are ghosts; allow your self to realize how and why you do not believe in them anymore but remember that the power to do that was given to your by yourself through real understanding and perception. All that is now real even though at first is was only a thought.
If you slip back to old routines and become ineffectual again do not continue on, push the rest button. Redefine the hopelessness and feelings of being ineffectual into alarms and sign posts that continually demonstrate and prove to you what you have learned. When you have practiced this enough it becomes automatic.
Acknowledge your efforts in realizing and creating this new perspective and having the understanding necessary to recognize it and apply it.
You are waking your inner conscious. You are slowly taking off that which has been weighing you down and keeping it dim for so long. You are opening yourself up, you are on the path of developing your self-value through conscious enlightenment.