Televisionaries and Rick Hill Productions are currently working on an independent feature length video project consisting of an original concept featuring superhero type themes used in a way never before conceived of.

I can not discuss the details of the project because the whole thing is top secret. This is just a taste but if you would like to email me and volunteer to help out I will put you on our list of potential crew/cast.

Also, help us out with your interest and/ or financial support.

A fund has been set up to contribute to allowing us to build toward the resources we need to make this project into a full finished feature length video and hopefully a feature film one day based on this developing video concept. If you, as a superhero fan, would like to help us in our struggle to create this original film we will be sure to include a credit for those who supported this endeavor financially when it is finished.

If you are not well off but like to see this type of effort supported when you see it, just skip your next soda and put in a buck or two. If you are a multimillionaire why not fund the whole thing and give us a chance to tell a story through this video that has never been told before? You get the idea. Every bit helps.

Contributions can be made to the paypal account under the name

Thank you for your support and interest.